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*Tw: smut*

I and Draco walk through the halls of the castle, it's almost evening and Christmas break is coming to an end. Soon the next semester will start. Meeting my dad after so long felt so much better than i could imagine. I finally talked to him after years of my mom painting him as a monster only to hide her true self. I told him about me and Draco and he was so happy for us, i came out to him which again he was very supportive. He felt like the parent I never had. He told me he named me after his older sister who had died when he was young and so much more.

"It's about to rain" Draco points out and I turn to the sky which is taking a shade of dark grey as clouds pool in to fill the light blue hues of the sky. "I love thunder and rain" I say. "Let's go to my dorm" Draco says taking my hand and we both saunter to the dungeons where the slytherin dorms are. As we walk to his room I notice the lavish Christmas decoration that hung in the cold common room.

As we enter his room I instantly plop down on the bed. He lays down beside me. Silence prevails over us but it's a comfortable silence. It felt like us being together was enough there was no room for words but I spoke "Draco?" I ask in a soft manner. "yes al" he replies and makes my heart jump out of my chest the way he speaks to me and the way he says my name. Its music to my ears.

"What do you think will happen when we go home? You know our parents..." I trail off the end because I know he understood what I meant to say. He sighs and then kisses my cheek. "I'd rather not think about that right now" he goes to kissing my neck and sucks on my weak spots. He lays me back down and goes down to my shoulder leaving a trace of love bites. He pulls off my shirt and kisses my chest, massaging my breasts.

I takes off my bra and throw it somewhere in his room. I squirm as he kisses my stomach then he stands up straight and takes off his own shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers. I sit up straight and lock my fingers with the hem of his boxers pulling them down to reveal his growing erection. I grab his dick by the end pumping it up and down in my hand as a moan escapes his lips which makes me go faster.

I lick the tip, swirling my tongue around him. He interweaves his hands in my hair, grabbing my head. I go deeper on him, sucking with my tongue and mouth. I bob my head up and down as groans of pleasure escape his lips. He pushes my head down more so I could get all of him. I deep throat him and gag doing so which makes him buck his hips towards my mouth more. I keep sucking until I feel his dick twitch in my mouth. "Fu-fuck Alexa I'm gonna-"

I go harder and faster bringing his orgasm closer. He finally releases in my mouth and moans loudly. He then connects his eyes with me watching if I swallow or not. I swallow. "Good girl"


2 weeks after Christmas break

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and I are sitting in the common room. "She's got filch sitting in the corridors now too. It's so hard getting past him nowadays" Ron complains. "I know. Fred and George taking care of him doe right?" I say. Ron laughs and says "yes can't wait to see what those idiots do to him next". Harry gets up and starts walking to the exit of the common room. "It's time for the meeting". We all follow him through the halls to the place where the door of the room of requirement usually appears.

We see filch asleep in the corridor next to it and we quietly walk in the one across from it. Suddenly big, iron doors carved of symmetrical curly patterns appear. Harry grabs the handle of the door and we all walk in. a lot of people are there from different houses. I spot Luna and walk up to her, giving her tight hug. As everyone sees harry they all quiet down and assemble in one area to listen to what we are going to practice today.

"Today we're going to practice the patronas charm. It's a defensive spell against dark forces like a dementor. It is a difficult to perform but we will practice"

Everyone takes their wands out and we stand scattered through the huge room. "expecto patronum" harry says and a white, silvery light emits from his wand and forms a glowing figure. After a second the figure forms into a stag which is very alive and its glow is immaculate. "Think of the happiest memory you can" harry says as people start casting. "It is unlikely you'll get it on your first try but try as hard as you can"

I close my eyes and think of when I got my first broom. Some rays of light form but disappear. I think about Draco. The first time we kissed in the astronomy tower, us holding hands and him calling me Al. huge rays of light emanate from my wand and start to form something but it's not that defined. I think of when we were with my dad and he held my hand the whole time and talked like we were all family.

The patronus starts becoming more defined until it's a rough shape of a horse. "Luna look" I say loudly excitement and surprise in my voice. "Wow that's something" Luna says and she casts her own spell. Suddenly a little bunny forms and starts jumping through the air. I think of more memories of Draco and mine and my patronus becomes more defined until I can identify it's a bay stallion. It walks around me and we observe each other in the magic of the moment.

A lot of other people are also able to cast somewhat of a patronus. Hermione casts an otter and Ron casts a dog. "That's great lex" harry says looking at my patronus and I smile "I know".

Suddenly the whole room shakes out of nowhere and our focus stops on our patronuses as wisps of silver fade throughout the room. The whole room rumbles again as we all look at the source of the noise and it's a wall which was covered with broken mirrors. Harry and Nigel walk towards it and everything shakes once more. A piece of the mirror falls off revealing a hole in the wall. We then hear a voice which makes my blood freeze.

"I'll make short notice of this... Bombarda Maxima"

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