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"malfoy? what are you doing let me go!" I shake myself away from his grip and he lets go. I look at him with anger and sadness welling up inside me. I turn the other way to run away before I show too much emotion. As i turn the other way to walk away he grabs me by the arm and slams me against the wall again, this time getting close to my face until the point i can hear his heartbeat.

"W-what are you doing" I asked him. "I just wanted to be with you," he says. "Please don't go" he says in the softest voice ever. I can feel the eagerness in his voice like he wants me to stay but doubts I won't. I couldn't hold myself back anymore and kissed him immediately which he responded by kissing me back harder. The kiss feels needed, craved like we both had been waiting for this but weren't sure it would ever happen again.

He pulls back and smiles at me. I can't help but smile back but then my smile drops thinking about his words and actions from earlier. Draco's hands go to grab mine but as soon he does he feels the blood. He takes me hand and looks at the carved words on it with the blood spilling out of them and there's a look of horror on his face. "What the fuck is this?" he asks with visible anger.

I look at him and then back at my hand. "Nothing" i snatch my hand away from him. "Not like you care anyway" and I start walking away to the girls bathroom. "I do" he said in an almost inaudible voice but I heard it. I kept walking as i couldn't bear to look back and turn corridor after corridor trying to hurry time. I finally reach the bathroom and approach the sink.

I turn on the tap and water starts flowing. I put my hand under the lukewarm water and wash the blood off. I hiss at the pain of the contact of water with the cuts. A tear slips out my eye because of the pain, then one more, then two more until I'm sobbing standing there with my hand under the water.

Why am I crying? Is it because of the pain of the wound? Is it because of draco breaking my heart into 2? Is it because of my dad who left all those years ago and now returned claiming my mother is a death eater? Or is it because I've been extremely lonely? Or is it all of those combined?

"Why are you crying?" Moaning Myrtle's voice echoes through the bathroom. It's quiet now, only the noise of the gentle water flowing and draining. I wipe my tears instantly and wash my face with the water. "I'm not crying" I say with the voice you utter when you just cried. "You're a terrible liar" she says sitting on top of a bathroom stall. "I know, is it that obvious?" i say and she looks at me weirdly and I finish washing my wound and walk out the bathroom to go to the gryffindor dormitory.

I say the password and walk in. I see Hermione and Ron laughing sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace. They see me and smile for a second but then their smiles drop when they look at my puffy face. "What happened to you?" Hermione says and I sit at the sofa with them. "Nothing'' I say but it's obviously a lie. Ron looks at me hand. "What the bloody hell is that?" he says, referring to my hand and Hermione notices it too. "Lex you have to clean that" she says and gets up to go get the first aid kit.

"Did umbridge do that?" Ron asks and I don't respond. Hermione comes back with the kit and starts cleaning my wound. "You have to report this" she says. " i don't think it will do anything. Umbridge is from the ministry" i say. They both sight and ask where's harry. I tell them I don't know. Hermione is done cleaning my wound and i go up to my room and lay on my bed for a while trying to calm down my mind which screaming 50 different things at the same time

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