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"She's a nutbag honestly" Ron says to me and Harry while we're all sitting in the gryffindor dormitory. I nod and then look at the time. "We should go now or she'll definitely explode into pink glitter now" I say getting up and Harry and Ron laugh at this. Me and Harry walk out through the painting and go down the stairs and to Umbridge's office.

Ugh can we just get this over this. We reach her office and knock at the door. "Come in".

Harry swings open the door gently and we both step in the room. The room is all pink with plates on the wall which contain different cats and they're all moving. Definitely a strange theme if i say so myself. "Good evening Mr. Potter and Ms. Carson. Sit" she says motioning to the 2 desks placed beside hers.

I close the door behind us and we both walk to sit in the chairs "you're going to be doing some lines for me today" she says looking at both of us. Ok lines don't seem that bad. We both reach into our pockets for our quills when she says "no not with you quill" and we both stop and look at each other like what is happening. "Going to be using a rather special one of mine" she says and pick two quills that were placed on her desk and walks up to us and hands us them.

I examine the quill and it has a long brown feather on the back and at the tip its silver. There is parchment already on our tables. "Now .... I want you both to write.. I must not tell lies" she says standing behind us. "How many times?" Harry asks dully. "Well let's say as long as it takes for the message to sink in" she replies. Ok whatever that means. She walks to the window in the office. "You have not given us any ink" I say to which she replies "oh you won't need any ink".

She is definitely acting strange. Me and Harry turn back to our parchment and start writing. I must not tell lies on the parchment with my borderline terrible handwriting and I feel the front of my left hand stinging for some reason. I ignore that and write the line one more time and the stinging becomes more. I start writing it the third line and I'm only done till i must no- when the stinging turns into pure agony and look at my hand.

To my horror the words I was writing on the paper were imprinting into my skin like someone wrote them on my skin with a knife. The pain is unbearable and there's blood coming out of the words. I look at Harry and it's the same with him. What fucking kind of satanic shit is this.

Umbridge comes to the front of our desks and asks us yes? With a face like a demon cat. We both look at her like what the hell is wrong with you. "Nothing" Harry mutters. "That's right," she says, staring deep into Harry's soul. " Because deep down you know you deserve to be punished, don't you Mr. potter?" She says this focusing on Harry mostly, glancing at me once only. She hates him more than me apparently.

Then she smiles and says "go on" and I feel like my hand is on fire. We both look at each other with a face of misery and go back to writing. I write one more line and my hand is in so much pain I drop the pen. Umbridge sees this and it doesn't even bother her. "You both may go now" she says in a monotone voice and we both instantly get up, getting the hell out of that classroom. My hand is dripping blood at this point.

As soon as we get out Harry runs off to somewhere before I can even talk to him. I start walking in the other direction going to the bathroom to wash this. As I turn a corridor I feel someone grab me by the arm and hold me against the wall. I look up and connect eyes with the stranger and it's................

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