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Dear mom

I won't be coming home for Christmas. I have to do extra preparation for our O.W.L's


I hand the letter to my owl and stroke the side of its head. "Take it to mom" I tell her and open the window. She flies off into the blue skies and I stare at it until it's out of sight. I take my bag and shove my books inside it that were lying around. I changed into my school uniform. After putting on my robe I walk out of the common room down to the great hall. The castle is as alive as ever, with student's voices filling the air and walls absorbing it as their own. I walk in the great hall and see Harry, Hermione and Ron have all returned.

I excitedly walked over there. "Hey guys how are you? How's mr. weasley?" I say sitting beside Hermione, across from Harry and ron. They are silent and look at each other. "He is recovering" Hermione says and everyone goes silent again. "What's wrong?" I ask. Why are they acting so strange? "Why don't you tell us why you were snogging malfoy yesterday in the halls?" ron says in a loathsome voice. That's why they aren't talking. I am silent now. "Are you guys together?" hermione asks. "I mean kind of yes" I replied, looking down.

"He's probably trying to get stuff out from you and you're falling for it" Ron says. Harry is silent. "I didn't tell him anything and he hasn't asked. He's not like what you guys think" i say. "Like you would know" Ron says and Hermione glares at ron. "You probably should sit with Malfoy" Harry says finally and I look down again. My own friends are acting like this to me because I like someone they don't. "I probably should" I say and run out of the great hall.

I speed walk down the corridor trying to not let the tears pooling in my eyes spill. "Alexa" I hear a soft voice behind me I instantly recognize. Draco grabs my arm and gently turns me towards him, lifting my face
with his finger on my chin. "What's wrong, love?" he asks and I instantly melt in his arms. "It's nothing" I say, hugging him. I pull back and smile but he doesn't look convinced though he doesn't ask again. "I have to get to class. Ill see you later" i say and start walking away. He grabs my arm again and pulls me towards himself, my body on his. He stares at me then kisses me softly and passionately.

He pulls back and smiles "bye Al" he says and walks off to his lesson. I graze my fingers across my lips, where his lips were seconds ago and a smile creeps across my face. I start walking to my lesson as well. Draco Malfoy is gonna be the death of me


I walk to potions, relieved i'm finally seeing draco again. The thought of him calling my name and touching me makes me feel fireworks all over. I enter potions and see him already sitting there. I slide onto my chair "hey blondie" I say and he laughs. That's my favourite laugh in the whole world. "I owled my mom i won't be coming for Christmas". "I'll do that too but i doubt they'll care anyway" he jokes. "Don't say that" I replied. "Have you ever met your dad?" he asks and I pause. "No, not that I can remember" I say in a low voice. "I think you should see him once" Draco says, squeezing my hand and i smile at him.

I put my hand on his thigh, near his crotch and he smirks at me. "You shouldn't do that" I smile cheekily. Snape enters making a dramatic entrance as always. He starts the lesson but my hand is still on draco's thigh. I creep my hand closer to Draco's crotch and I can feel him shifting under my touch. "You'll regret that" he mutters. "Is that so?" i say and put my hand on his member, palming him through the cloth of his pants. He groans under his breath and I feel him get hard then I remove my hand and look ahead.

He looked at me frustrated but turned on at the same time. He looks ahead at the lesson too, smiling slyly. He then puts his hand on my thigh and I feel the cold from his ring. He squeezes my thigh and traces it until my heat. I close my eyes at the pleasure of his touch but regain my normal expression, not giving him the satisfaction. He starts rubbing his fingers on my heat and I suppress a moan. "Don't make a sound" he whispers in my ear.

He then pushes my underwear aside and shoves a finger inside me. I instantly moan but put a hand over my mouth to muffle the sound. He starts pumping his fingers in and out slightly curving them. I moan again against my hand as he hits the right spots bringing my climax closer. He adds another finger going faster and faster until I am sweating. "Draco im go-" i try to choke out words but can't because of the immense pleasure i am receiving.

I slightly buck my hips against his fingers trying to get him deeper inside me. I feel my climax coming as he goes faster and faster. I am so close to coming when he pulls out his fingers. He takes them to his mouth and licks them clean, savoring my taste in his mouth. "That's for teasing me" he says and I sit there flustered. "We can always finish it later" he whispers in my ear, sending goosebumps down my spine. I smile and focus back on the lesson, eagerly waiting to get draco alone later.

𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now