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I went in the great Hall and saw my friends sitting on the Gryffindor table and I joined them.

"What did snape say" Ginny asked curiously as everyone was listening to.

"He asked us why we started fighting and as a punishment we had to stay back and clean up the mess without magic together" I say and start eating my meal.

"That must have been horrible. I doubt malfoy even did any work. He must have still been arguing" Harry says. Well that is only half true but I still nod. I look up straight and see him sitting at the Slytherin table with his followers. Pansy by his side, desperately trying but Its clear malfoy is annoyed by her. I laugh at this and hermione looks at me weirdly.

"What you laughing at?" she asks

"Nothing" I reply.

She caught eye of my arms and grabs it.

"Wait did you hurt your arm? When?" She says.

"Oh when I crashed in the cupboard" I can't tell them malfoy fixed it up. That's awkward and they'll think we're friends or something or am i just being overdramatic? "Omg are you ok? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" Hermione says worried. " No I'm fine I fixed it up".


I walk in the defense against the dark arts classroom with my friends and I sit with Hermione while Harry sits with Ron. I see the table in the row next to us is accompanied by Draco and Blaise. We make eye contact but he has a straight face and turns back to his "friends".

I just realized he probably doesn't have any real friends. Those are all just his followers who are with him for popularity and status. He must know that. His parents aren't even supportive. His father is the reason he's like what he's like right now. That is so sad. He needs someone to show him the right path but no one is there for him.

Woah woah Alexa are you feeling bad for malfoy? The one you hate and he does too. you got major problems.

"Hey what you thinking" hermione interrupts my deep thoughts and I just shrug and mutter a "nothing". " Ooook weirdo" she says and I laugh at her comment.

Professor lupin comes in the classroom and starts the lesson. The rest of the day was just a blur and before I know it I'm in my bed and I fall asleep


I run through the hall giggling and I can hear footsteps behind me. Someone suddenly catches me and turns me around. I see the most beautiful eyes . They were like the ocean with raging waves , seafoam washing up. Just like the ocean they hid many secrets deep underneath which refused to reveal themselves. They hid pain , denial, insecurity and quelling. I was in a trance. Then the person to whom the eyes belonged to leaned in and I did the same. Soon our lips connected and it felt like a firework went off in my stomach. I felt Sparks in my whole body. My skin tingled and I felt like I was in love.

Our lips moved in sync with the rhythm of our heartbeats as we fell deeper into the kiss. I pulled back and saw those prepossessing eyes again but they vanished and I saw spot of blond hair.

I suddenly wake up from my dream and look around my dorm. The moon is shining through the window and everyone is asleep. I hold my head in my hands. Who did I just dream of?

𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now