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" wait what?" he looks at me with a look of confusion but a glimmer of happiness in his grey eyes.

" Gosh I'm so sorry nothing" I look down in embarrassment and start to walk away but then i feel my arm being grabbed and i get pulled backwards. The next second im met with his eyes again. Our noses almost touching as i feel his breath on my lips. He glances towards mine and returns his gaze towards my pupils.

He then leans in and closes the gap between us connecting both our lips. I eagerly kiss back pouring all my angst and patience in it. He kiss me backs passionately and holds my waist in place as i wrap my arms around his neck.

I don't know if i'll ever be able to describe what it feels to kiss someone finally when you've waited so long but it's pretty close to getting high on drugs. Your mind instantly eases and you feel your whole body being pulled downward until you can't feel your weight at all and it's like you're floating midair.

He pulls back and smirks at me and walks away leaving me there alone with my thoughts.


I'm eating breakfast with my friends but some part of my mind is still stuck in the moments of last night which make me smile a bit. " I honestly forget daily which period we have first. WHICH IS IT?" i say frustrated as Hermione rolls her eyes at me. " it's transfiguration" . " oh ".

We then hear the loud noise of a group and i look over my shoulder to see draco is coming in the great hall with his group. He glances at me but shifts his focus back to the conversation. As their group passes us pansy stops and passes a rude remark which we all are expecting." What you eating for breakfast mud-blood huh? actual mud?".

Even though her remark was stupid as hell and did not amuse any of us her group laughs and i look back and glare at her. " What are you staring at Carson" she gives me a look of disgust as she usually does of people other than Slytherins. I turn back around and say " Oh nothing just how terribly your eyebrows are done".

My group laughs at this and pansy just scoffs at this but also nudges draco as to back her up. What will he do , He does value his reputation more but he did kiss a gryffindor last night.

" Watch your tone Carson or I'll fix it for you" He says in an angry voice and his group walks to their usual spot on the Slytherin table. I could feel my heart sink to my stomach but i just ignore the feelings and go back to breakfast. Guess his status will always be his top priority. We finish breakfast and part ways to our respective classes. I took another longer route to transfiguration class as i jus wanted some time alone.

" Alexa!" i hear a voice call my name which i instantly recognize as Malfoy's. I turn around and make an expression like I don't even care about what he has to say when in actuality all i wanna do is talk to him. " what " i say in voice with no expression.

" That - in the great hall - what i said.." he starts speaking but i cut him off . " Save it Malfoy i don't want to hear anything you have to say or have anything to do with you" and with that i start to walk away from the person i wanna stay with so much.

𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now