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I run through the halls quickly to the gryffindor dormitory and say the password. The portrait slowly pivots inward and I run in. I see Harry, Ron and Hermione gathered around the fireplace deeply engulfed in their conversation with Ginny reading a book on the corner sofa. "Guys there's something you should know" I say panting, out of breath from the running. They all turn towards me instantly. "What is it, lex?" ron asks.

I sit down on the floor in front of the fireplace. "Its Umbridge. She made some inquisitorial squad with all Slytherin members and i don't think its just to monitor all students" i tell them. "It's targeted towards some" Hermione catches on and Harry and Ron look at each other. "Draco is also in the squad" I say. Shit

"Draco? When were you on a first name basis with him?" Harry questions and everyone also looks at me weirdly. I look away from them desperately trying to hide the blush creeping up my cheeks. "Sorry accidently said that i meant Malfoy" i say trying to cover up my slip. They all don't question anything thankfully and return to the prior conversation.

"Anyways we need to be more quiet about this. We can't just trust anyone" Hermione says. "Did you ask Luna?" Harry asks me and I nod. "Yea she said yes" . "well that's one more person. We already have Ginny, Fred, George and Percy" ron informs us. "I  also asked Neville and Cho so they're in and they said they know some other people who would also join" Harry says.

My mind slowly drifts away from the situation and I start thinking about what Draco told me. His parents are death eaters and he is also expected to be one? There are tasks he needs to do? This is way too big information. I feel guilt well up inside me for not telling this information to Harry as anything sinister being hidden is for his ultimate death.

Should I tell them? But what would happen to Draco? He definitely isn't going to be all dandy after. Why am I even protecting him when he literally broke my heart in two and left. I get up and go to my dormitory and lay in bed for a while until the next class starts.

If he does turn out to be a death other I'm going to have to fight him and i can't imagine hurting him one bit. God why do i care for him this much. I hear the doors of the dormitory opening and close which means the students are leaving for class. I also get up and walk to my defense against the dark arts class.

On the way I wander the long empty corridors to maybe make the time to class last longer than it is. On the way I noticed a 1st year sitting leaning against the wall, crying. I approach him and ask "hey what's wrong you ok?". He gets startled by the voice and I notice his tear stained cheeks. "Nothing" he says but obviously you can hear the stutter in his voice. I sigh and sit down next to him.

"You know its ok to open up to people sometimes. It's true you don't know what it would cost you in the future but if you trust the person right now, you trust em for a reason" i say and he stops crying and plays with the hem of his sleeves. "Nothing, I've just been having nightmares since the start of the year" he says. "Do you wanna share?" I asked calmly. He looks at me and hesitates for a moment but speaks again.

"In the nightmares I see my home being destroyed along with all those who I care about and only because I was not enough to prevent that person from destroying themselves first" he says and I start thinking about what he just said. He looks at me waiting for a response. "You know you're not obliged to make someone anything, what they do is not on you" I say and smile at and he says thanks while smiling as well. I get up to go to class but before walking I tell him "but do visit madam Pomfrey if the nightmares continue" and he nods.

I enter the class and notice a paper bird flying around with the students trying to catch it. I see a seat next to Ginny and sit down. For a second my eyes caught Draco's and he too looked at me. He was sitting at the last bench and alone. He quickly turned the other and I too did.

Suddenly the paper bird burns up and falls down and we all look back to the door of the room where Umbridge is standing with a sick grin on her face.

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