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We all sit in the great hall, the only noises are the screeching of pain emitted by some students. Why pain? Umbridge is making every single person who was in the Dumbledore army write on parchment with the pen that engraves the words on your hand by cutting flesh and blood. My hand is absolutely burning but I try not to make any noise, I am not going to satisfy that pink bag of vomit.

We all are dismissed and we get up and walk out the great hall. I walk to the bathroom. My steps echoed through the hall, bouncing off the walls and back into my ears. I reach the bathroom and I grab the metallic knob, turning it on. I hold my wound under the running water, shrieking at the impact. I finish washing it and walk to my next lesson, ugh potions.

I actually haven't seen Draco since a week and he didn't even try to talk to me. Well I did give him a clear answer. I walk in class and the slytherins are looking quite cheerful especially gawking at the Gryffindors. I WONDER why that is. I slide into my seat and Draco doesn't even glance at my direction. I take out my books and put them on the table, Draco looks at my hand with the words cut out of me flesh and for a second I see a pang of guilt in his eyes but he looks away in another direction.

Snape walks in dramatically, as always, and starts talking his monotone voice. I don't listen to much but then he says we need to start drafting an answer to a 10 mark question. Together. With your partner. Oof.

Draco takes out some parchment and lays it out and then he leans back totally ignoring our assignment. I roll my eyes and take the parchment copying down the question Snape wrote on the chalk board. I then start writing the answer, even though Im not sure It's correct.

"you're doing it wrong" a wondefu- I mean dreadful voice fills my ears. "then you do it wont you" I snap back. "you'll fail" he says taking the parchment and ink pen from me, slightly brushing his fingers against mine whilst doing so which forms goosebumps on my arm.

"you're supposed to write the ingredients in points, and in then the steps in chronological order. Also you didn't even give a heading" he rambles on and I realize I will fail. I hate the effect he has on me. "whatever" I say. "wHatEvEr" he mocks me. I scoff. "what prize did you get huh?" I say out of nowhere. He looks at me weirdly.

"for catching us, for helping the ministry. I bet your father got a raise" I say, my voice dripping with hate. "its not like that" he mutters. "keep telling yourself that. No one except you is responsible for your actions" I say looking down. I try not to cry because even though I hate him so much, I still want him so bad. " I know you wont even forgive me, but I am sorry" he says.

Snape dismisses us and I grab my bag quickly and run out the class and I don't know if I did it because class was over or I didn't know how to respond to draco.


End of term

As much as I hate draco, I have to admit if it wasn't for him I for sure wouldn't have known what to do in this question. I quickly jot down the answer in the silence occupied great hall as other students are doing their OWL's. Hermione is almost done, not surprised, and harry isn't even looking at his paper. I understand his position, he's been going through so much studies isn't a priority anymore. Its not like I didn't study but I surely could have done more.

Suddenly we hear the door of the hall jolt. We all get startled and stare at it. Umbridge immedietly gets and walks towards it, opening it and peering outside. Curious eyes watch as nothing is to be seen. Suddenly a spark starts flying around umbridge and more sparks start coming in, until the great hall is filled with fireworks right and left.

And then come in the kings themselves, George and fred weasley. The great hall erupts in cheers, as umbridge's petite figure stands there trying to make them stop but instead of that more fireworks come. Some of the sparks go after the slytherins and I couldn't help but laugh when it went after draco and his scared expression.

He sees me laughing and glares at me but I just smirk. Then fred and George release another firework which takes the form of a dragon and goes straight after umbridge. We all cheer as umbridge runs in fear away from it and when she reaches the outside of the hall, the imaginary dragon bites down on her and she stands there scared for her life, stupid toad she is.

The sparks destroy all the educational decrees on the wall, sending them all to the ground and students run out the great hall and into the main courtyard along with the whole school as fred and George fly into the sky on their brooms. We see a sparkly W in the sky, and the cheers and shouts are louder than ever. I stand next to harry and I look at him, he also seems happy.

Suddenly his face drops and he starts falling to the ground like he was in some kind of daze. I quickly grab him as Hermione also comes over. "harry what's wrong!"


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