45: Connection

859 60 8

Beijing Hospital

Qing opened his eyes slowly; to a bright sunlight through the window. He squinted a bit.

And then, in milliseconds, everything that had happened before he lost consciousness came back to him.  How he came into the apartment of the woman claiming to hsve an information regarding the case, how he was suddenly trapped by her, inside the apartment, how she tried to come onto him, and how his body responded.

Even though he was actually thinking about Dayu, but he would've taken the woman in the state that he was in at that moment, because the lust he felt was actually physically painful. His alpha instinct to get relief was over powering him.

He felt disgusted with the woman, and his reaction but ; his body wasn't listening to him anymore. 

In the end the only thing he could do, before he lose his sanity, was to overpower the woman's hold over him. He had to make sure that he lost his ability to respond to the woman's seduction. Shooting himself was the only option he had. He took his gun, with the very last thread of his will and strength and aimed at his heart. The memories jolted him off the bed, instantly, and the moment he did, he felt a sudden stabbing headache.

"Dayu..!" Qing called painfully, as he crunched forward on the bed with his hands on his head.

What happened after that? Qing wasn't sure because everything started to become blurry.

He thought he saw Dayu, but he was afraid that it might only be his imagination. He only hoped that he managed to shoot himself before he touched the woman, against his will. He wouldn't know what he'd do, if he did. He was already wanting to kill himself when he had such thoughts of taking a woman, to relieve his physical urges. How would he face Dayu then?

"Qing!" Dayu who had stepped out to take a call, walked in and saw Qing in that state. He almost ran towards Qing, and hugged the obviously confused and pained man on the bed tightly.

"Dayu..?" Qing breathed in Dayu's scent, still very much afraid if this is just his imagination. So, instead of hugging Dayu back, he actually just froze. Gradually the headache disappeared as he inhaled his Dayu's scent.

Dayu tightened his arms around Qing, "yes..This is me..This is real...You're not imagining things..." Dayu could tell just how much, Qing was feeling distrustful of his surrounding.

"And you're alright...You didn't touch her.." Dayu said, soothing Qing's anxiousness, with his voice and his hug. The woman might have tried so hard to make Qing give in to his primal instinct, but Qing managed to push her away and almost shot himself to make sure his body wouldn't betray him while his mind was unconscious.

Qing blinked, and then he slowly, put his hand on his chest, "I didn't shoot myself? So how did I managed to..-?"

"I found you...I found you in time..." Dayu remembered the fear he felt when he saw Qing aiming the gun at his own heart. It was nothing like Dayu had ever felt before. Luckily he managed to reached Qing before he pulled the trigger.

"So..you really did come..!?" Qing felt a huge sense of relief, knowing that what he thought he imagined was real, and only then he put his own hands around Dayu's back and hugged Dayu to himself tightly. He closed his eyes, and whispered hoarsely, "thank you.."

"Yes." Dayu replied, patting Qing's back.

"I couldn't do anything.." Qing said recalling the memory, "I never felt so helpless as I did then, Dayu ah...all of my senses seemed to desert me bit by bit..I was losing control of my own body..." Qing remembered that the woman had taken off her clothes and she had already touched and kissed him too, and he immediately pushed Dayu away, wanting to explain.

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