46: Cemetery

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The people who were charging towards the Interpol team and Thomas, suddenly all stopped on their tracks.

Benjamin, Alain, Thomas, Amerie and Lea, slowly turned to their back.

And that's when they saw Lieutenant Sophie Noyer, who had already been knocked down earlier had gained senses and was getting on her feet.

When she raised her head up, everybody gasped because her eyes were glowing with white light.

"Lieutenant..You...!?" Lieutenant Intern Thomas Pacquet, her partner was the most shocked.


13 hours earlier.

Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris

"Welcome to Paris, I'm Lieutenant Sophie Noyer..And this is my partner Lieutenant Intern Thomas Pacquet." The tall, dark haired woman extended her hand towards Benjamin who was leading the team, as they got off the plane.

"Thank you." Ben nodded taking the extended hand, as he continued, "Benjamin Park, and these are my team mate..Lea Begaye, Amerie and Alain Duquesne..." Ben shook hands with the lieutenant, while introducing the team formally.

Ben knew that the France National Police was aware of who were coming from the Interpol's side, just as their team had received the files of the people who would be helping them with the investigation from the French side. Ben, Amerie and Alain had read the files of the two officers beforehand, on the plane.

Dayu had asked Lucy to create their team's file, to be sent to the France National Police, something that they never did. Their team had always been 'top secret' and unknown, but this time, Dayu said, it's necessary for them to be known. Of course their information had been kept at the very minimum and even 'faked' a little bit because they can't disclose their abilities. But, the purpose was, as long as the France National Police knew who's coming. That's all.

Amerie and Alain, were not surprised that the National Police had sent only two people to come to aid them in their investigation and they actually aimed for that.

Dayu had said that it's better for them if they don't have too many of the France National Police focussing on them, during the investigation. This is after all, not a normal case.

"The Duquesne twins..Of course.." Sophie's tone slightly became a little cold, just like her facial expression, but she still extended her hand to Amerie and Alain.

"Ah... Mademoiselle..You've heard about us..?" Alain beamed at her slightly, his eyes twinkling with mischief, knowing the 'unwelcoming' tone the lieutenant was trying to cover.

"Of course..." It was Thomas', the lieutenant intern, turn to shake hands with the Interpol's team.

He looked pretty excited and was looking at the twins dazedly, giving them a very wide smile.

Sophie glanced at her dazed and excited partner, and gave a little sigh. Thomas never hide his interest and admiration for the legendary Duquesne twins, making some of the officers in the department very sceptical and critical of him. That's also the reason why he was put under her supervision as her partner; because she's one of the few Betas in the France National Police with the Lieutenant rank.

When the higher ups learned that the Duquesne twins would be amongst the Interpol team who'd come to France for the case; they sent her and Thomas to welcome and work with them.

No matter how much dissatisfaction the France National Police had for the Duquesne twins, they couldn't be too obvious about it. After all, the twins are now part of one of the unit in Interpol. 

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