23: Drowning

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"You called your own parents?"

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"You called your own parents?"

"Yes..." Qing nodded, "I know..That you've met..But, I haven't told them about you yet..Not formally, I mean..They already know, though..."

Qing's parents had inclinations of what's going on, they sensed the atmosphere between the two during their lunch together. And they had never seen their son looking and acting like that, ever, in their entire life. So, it's not difficult to understand what's happening.

They were only surprised that Qing suddenly called them out of nowhere and decided to tell them, when just that afternoon, when they met, Qing seemed pretty secretive still.

Qing reached out and took Dayu in his arms, in a gentle hug, "but you knew that they knew, right...?" Qing whispered, "you're not bothered by it, are you?"

Dayu knew, that Qing's parents could tell, that there's something between him and their son. Indeed.

"No..It doesn't bother me..It just surprised me a little..." Dayu whispered back, hugging Qing back, "I was a little taken aback..." he admitted.

"Hmmm..What surprised you...?" Qing asked, though he had a rough idea what made Dayu confused, but it's better if Dayu talks about it.

"Your parents are amazingly, pretty down to earth ..." Dayu was impressed, "even though you're probably borne of old money on both sides , somehow they felt like just regular people.."

Qing smirked, in amusement, "how blunt..." somehow he knew that, that was exactly how Dayu's response would be. Dayu wouldn't gloss it over. He wouldn't say something sweet. He would say something honest. And that's what made him even more adorable.

Most people would opt to say something 'extravagant' praising his parents too highly, to get on his best side. They'd be too focused on trying to impress. Something that he found quiet annoying.

"Well..I'm telling the truth..They knew about us but they didn't give me a hard time; despite us only meeting just several days ago..They weren't even thinking on doing a background check on me..." Dayu still remembered the genuine warmth coming from Qing's parents this afternoon.

"Well..They aren't naive...But you know that.." Dayu's the expert in reading people, so he probably knew that his parents weren't 'trusting' by nature. They trust people selectively.

"They just have good instinct..." Both his parents were blessed with a good judgement of people's intention. That's why his father could maintain his post as the Minister of Defense for so many years despite being the opposition he received from people in the political world who didn't share his views and stands.

"I am glad that they trusted me..." Dayu muttered.

"They don't just trust you, you know. They also like you.." when Qing told them, that the person they met that afternoon, would be his partner, he received relieved and thankful words from both his friends. Something he wasn't surprised by though. He knew that his parents had an idea about his relationship with Dayu, and he knew that they liked Dayu.

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