20: Recessive gene

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"Sorry, I had to ask you to come like this

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"Sorry, I had to ask you to come like this..." Qing patted the other man on his shoulder lightly.

Guang Zhi was Qing's childhood friend who used to be specialist doctor at the Beijing Royal Hospital, before he opened his own private hospital, where Qing was one of the main investor.

"Don't mention it..You had never asked me for something like this before...So I was really intrigued.." Guang Zhi leaned a little to take a peek at the man, lying on the bed inside the examination room, through the slightly opened door.

"Careful...!" Qing growled, "I know you're not serious but I warn you..I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to that guy...And..I already had one bad encounter over him today...Honestly...I'm still quiet pissed off...!" Qing said truthfully.

And once again, it took Guang Zhi by surprise. Just as he was taken by surprise when he received Qing's call, at nine p.m. earlier asking him if he could come down to their lab to carry out a blood test.

Qing may be one of the investor for the hospital which made him one of the shareholder but he never once got involved in the hospital administration nor had he ever once asked Guang Zhi for any favour.

Until tonight.

When Guang Zhi arrived at the hospital, Qing was already waiting at one of the examination room; and he was with another man.

He's an Omega. But, unlike any Omega Guang Zhi had ever met before; there's something about him, that Guang Zhi couldn't explain.

Qing introduced him to the person, and he learned that his name was Feng JianYu, an Interpol officer working with Qing on a case. After greeting each other, he began taking blood samples before taking it to the lab next to the examination room.

Qing followed him, no doubt knowing that Gang Zhi had so many questions he wanted to ask Qing.

"He's obviously an Omega...So..Why does he need to take another test?" Guang Zhi muttered, putting the blood into several tubes and putting them in different test machine.

"His initial test determined that he's a Beta..." Qing replied, and Guang Zhi stopped for a moment before responding, "oh..I see.." He had heard and read of several documented case of Omegas being initially tested as Betas. But, Guang Zhi had never seen one with his own eyes.

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