34: More Important News

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"Now.. Let me get this straight.. " Benjamin finally spoke, looking from Dayu to Qing, with sharp and serious look in his eyes,  "Dayu.. You decided to let our only suspect ever go... And Mr Wang Qing, you agreed to it? "

"Yes.. " Qing and Dayu nodded and answered in complete unison.

"Wait.. " Angie, too, was giving both Qing and Dayu the same look as Benjamin was giving them, "you let her go? Without discussing it with us?"

"Look.. " Qing gave Angie and Benjamin an unflinching sharp look himself,  "I apologize if you guys think that we are not including you guys, as a team in this. But.. Let me be clear here.. That is not true."

"All of us,  had divided our tasks prior to everything.. We have our own assignments. And interrogating the suspect assignment was Dayu and mine..." Qing spoke clearly, in the voice of a superior,  he very rarely use, "If you think that we took things lightly by letting the suspect go, then you obviously don't know us very well.. Which I doubt, because, both of you have been working with us, for years.. "

Both Benjamin and Angie flinched upon hearing it.

It's true. Neither Qing nor Dayu would have done what they did; letting the only suspect they ever apprehended relating to the case thus far, go,  without good reason.

"Well.. First.. We lacked enough evidence anyway to detain her more than three days at most.. What we have on her were just some footages of her appearing at the crime scenes after the crime... That hardly made her the killer.. We don't have any physical evidence of her from the crime scene beforehand.. " Qing looked at Angie who was about to say something, "I know..Amerie could see that she's somehow related to the person at the crime scene at the time of the murder, but we could hardly take that to court, could we?"

Angie clamped her mouth shut then. The fact that there are really people with special ability, amongst the normal human population, and moreover, they're involved in assisting with crime-solving , are still kept under wrap, made it impossible to use the information they provided openly.

"We needed more..Instead of forcing her to talk and causing her to distrust us more.. We decided that we should get her to cooperate willingly instead."

Benjamin and Angie looked at each other, as the realisation finally dawned on them.

"We could keep on forcing her to talk.. For three days straight.. " Dayu continued where Qing left off, "we could do that.." It's not uncommon to keep the interrogation going for three days until a suspect breaks down. It had been proven successful in some cases.

"But.. I doubt that it would work, in case.. " Dayu said, "Using the usual interogation tactic wouldn't work on her..She was determined not to talk.. And not because she thought that we wouldn't have anything on her to really charge her of anything...She was willing to risk anything.. She was not talking no matter what.. "

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