1: Wang Qing

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"Here's the result, sir."

Wang Luo didn't even turn, as his eyes were focused on the fifteen year old boy, on the yard.

"He's an Alpha." He said, without even looking at the document which had just been faxed from the lab.

"Yes." Mr. Yoon, his most trusted assistant answered.

Wang Luo nodded. Everybody who saw his son, Wang Qing, would know immediately that he's an Alpha.

For a fifteen year old; Wang Qing was already standing at approximately 6 feet on barefoot. His body had already developed the muscles; he's strong and rippled. His pheromones was also getting more and more powerful.

Wang Qing, also already had a set mind on what he wanted in life; he set a specific time for his martial arts training, like what he's doing right now; then he'd wash up and had dinner with his parents . After that he'd go out to meet his friends but he would always be back approximately at ten pm. He would go to bed, then on the next day, he'd go to school and come home after school to repeat his daily routine all over again. He had done that since he started middle school three years ago.

Wang Qing's developing all the characters of an Alpha.

His son was already tested as an Alpha in the first initial test when he was ten. This was the second test; to determine that there wasn't any mistake made in the first test.

Wang Qing is a bright kid, with a determined nature and a very strong character. He's everything that Wang Luo would've wanted in a child. But, his son is an Alpha. He's already fifteen years old. And he's the son of a politician; With a lot of dangerous enemies.

It's time to have a talk with his son.


"Sit down, son.."

Qing did as he was told.

As he was having dinner with his parents that evening, his father suddenly told him that he and his mother would like to talk to him afterwards before he went out to meet his friends as usual.

They told him, that they'd be waiting for him at the family meeting room.

So, after they finished having dinner together, Qing went up to his room to get his things and freshen up a bit, then he went to the family meeting room.

He was calm when he faced his parents. He had a feeling that someday, this talk would happen.

"Ma..Baba.." Qing greeted his parents, facing them head on.

"Qing..the result of your second test, has arrived..." His father began, looking very serious.

"Yes." Qing had a feeling that it's because of that, that his parents wanted to see him tonight.

He knew that he's an Alpha. But, he didn't say anything, rather, he waited for his father to continue.

"You're an Alpha..But I guess you already expected that, right..?" Wang Luo saw just how calm his son was acting, as if it's not something that he was bothered about.

"Yes.." Qing nodded, then he looked at his mother and then he looked back to his father, "is there anything wrong..? Ma..? Baba..?"

Wang Luo and his wife, Wang JiNa (maiden family name, Yin), looked at each other and then they looked back at their son.

"Qing..You know..that you're not just an ordinary Alpha..right?" Qing's mother asked, "you're the Minister of Defense and Internal Affairs' son..." she said.

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