Little Tsu (Valentines day special)

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Sorry for not updating for well- ages again- I have barely any motivation for anything.

But anyway:

Tsuyu Asui (Little)
Sero Hanta (Caregiver?)


She remembered the promise she had made months ago, the same one she always had every single Valentines day.

Smile soft and welcoming, eyes sleepy and relaxed, outfit cosy and warm. Lips slowly moving as she spoke lightly, arms wrapped around the large frog stuffie.
"On this Valentines day I want nothing but you in my arms.. you are my treasure, the one I hold dear in all of my life's bad and sorta good moments. Midnight snacks and cuddle parties have their place, but tonight all I want is to be close to you, and to cuddle you until dusk is closing in."

And that's what she did.

The moment dawn broke she slowly opened her eyes just to be welcomed by the soft fluff of her stuffie as a small floaty giggle escaped her, pulling the prized possession close as she nuzzled her face into the soft fur of the plushie.
"G'mwornin' Mr.Hops.." she cooed sleepily, the fuzzy feeling within her mind slowly taking over as she smiled, eyes gently closing once more.

"Slweepy.." she rambled lightly, curling around the stuffie as she pulled it closer, legs gently wrapped around it as she snuggled up to the soft fluff of the plushie. "Mr.Hops is da bwest cuddler.."

Of course, every single coo was left on deaf ears, her eyes sleepily opening once more after having drifted off unintentionally, raising a hand and curling it into a gentle fist as she slowly rubbed her eyes.

The pieces of her heart that had been struggling to fit into the world became so quiet when cuddling with Mr.Hops; it was as if they had found peace, as if they needed the figurative glue to bridge their gaps and connect. Creating a comforting serene feeling in the quiet room, though the soft tingle of her wind chimes soon cut through the air as she giggled softly, gently cuddling her stuffie as she swung her legs off the side of the bed, shuffling out to her balcony, pulling open the sliding doors without much trouble.

She sleepily glanced outside, seeing the overhead of the trees in which surrounded the school along with the distant shapes of buildings of the city of
Musutafu. She turned her head, sighing as she noticed how the other balconies of the classmates on her floor were adored in flowers, glancing down to see the ones below her just to see the same, a small pout resting on her face as she sighed, turning and returning back inside.

She sat on the end of her bed, placing down Mr.Hops for a second as she stretched her arms above her head, flinching slightly at the small knock on her balcony door as she glanced over, the sight of Sero waving softly with a welcoming smile caused her to giggle, walking over as she opened the door softly.

"Hi Tsu, good morning," His voice thick but soft and sweet like honey, him clearly having just woken up as Tsu's eyes soon landed on his hands, a small box of chocolates in them as she smiled up at him, Sero softly rubbing the back of his neck with a small chuckle.

"So.. I sorta wanted to give these to you in person.. but I didn't see you downstairs for breakfast so I came over instead, I'm sorry if I woke you up or invaded your privacy—"

Tsuyu just giggled, shaking her head as she smiled at him, cutting his rambling off as she soke lightly. "It's okay.. I woke up not too long ago, and you're okay kero, you didn't invade my privacy, thank you for knocking,"

"I- oh! No problem, I was going to knock on your door from the outside of your dorm but.. there's the rule of guys not allowed in the girl's dorms especially in the morning or at night and I didn't want to scare anyone or anything as it's still early so I came this way and sorta used my quirk to get around here from my dorm balcony-" he rambled once more until Tsuyu's giggle caused him to slowly trail off, a small smile residing on both of their faces.

"Anyway, here.. I brought these for you, I hope you enjoy them," he spoke softly, holding out the box of chocolates in which she kindly took nodding softly.

"Thank you kero..  you can- you can come in if you like, I don't mind," she spoke softly as Hanta hesitated before slowly nodding as Tsuyu stepped aside, letting him in as Sero smiled, politely glancing around before Asui sat on her bed once more, patting the space beside her.

"You can sit with me, you don't have to stand," she giggled as Sero goofily smiled, taking a seat on the bed also, awkwardly twirling his thumbs.
"Ah- right, thank you- sorry.. um.." he slowly trailed off glancing around again, taking in the sight of the room. "Did you.. redo your room?" He asked softly.

"Uh huh, I sorta got bored of what it looked like before.. so I decided to change it a little kero,  what do you.. think?"
He nodded, smiling as he hummed faintly to himself. "I like it.. it suits you,"

//Room: (Not my art) //

Tsuyu giggled lightly, nodding as she softly pulled her stuffie to her chest, cuddling it close as she hummed faintly, twirling her thumbs before shyly yawning

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Tsuyu giggled lightly, nodding as she softly pulled her stuffie to her chest, cuddling it close as she hummed faintly, twirling her thumbs before shyly yawning.
"Do you.. wanna share da chocolates?" She asked lightly, the fuzzy feeling of her headspace returning as Hanta glanced over before hesitantly nodding softly. "If.. you would like to, I don't mind,"

Tsuyu nodded, slowly undoing and opening up the chocolate box, throwing away the plastic in which it was encased with before opening the small red box, pushing it over to Sero.
"You can hwave da first one," she cooed as he smiled warmly, politely nodidng just following her instructions as he picked the first chocolate up and began to eat it as she giggled, eating one as she rested her head against his shoulder.

The two happily sharing the chocolatey treats together with small smiles, Mr.Hops held close to Tsuyu's arms in the process.

Not breaking her promise.

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