De-Aged Toga Himako

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Toga deserves more love.

I repeat, she needs more love.

Toga Himako (Little/De-aged)
Dabi / Touya Todoroki (caretaker)


Ambushes out there are both lazy and simple. The gangs of 'heroes' and 'villains' sit behind the rusting cars, worn jeans on the sidewalk, alternating between texting and picking at the weeds that bolt toward the summer sun. The locals have looking poor down to a fine art no matter how affluent they are. The newcomers, the ones snapping up condos in the gentrified blocks, stand out in garish clothes, flashing technology locals know to keep hidden. Cops call the ambushes "mugging," we call it non-voluntary wealth redistribution.

After all, who actually trusts the police at this point? In the universe of mischief and mayhem of the dominant "hero" world. They do nothing and they get knocked down so quick even a horror film actor could do better, they practically do the same thing, get minor-ly inured then sit back and wait for their deaths.

It's pathetic.

Anyway, there is more than one kind of ambush, you dot-to-dot thinkers (morons) imagine the movie scenes with guns and lots of running. I guess that can be fun if the quarry is sufficiently evil and if they actually had guns, but instead, had quirks. But the "heros" make an art form of it. They took the misunderstood "villains" down from every side, picking their life apart until they were in figurative and literal ruins, then the "heros" let them do the rest. Call it a monster-removal-service if you wish, because they were the predators of the predators, the protectors of the mild. They were a sort of societal immune system; that's our function.

But in reality, the "Heros" were monsters, not the villains, they just wanted to get through life, living through their trauma and putting the past behind them, too bad they lost a few of their friends along the way.. (Magne the most remembered and many others). Toga was an exception of course, not really having as much trauma as the others, though still needing the love she doesn't get.

Anyway, the large cloud of baby blue  came crashing down just as Toga lunged over, knife in hand just for the smoke to slowly spiral around her, following her as she gulped, glancing around, not scared at first until it obstructed her vision, her vision slowly blurring until she stumbled backwards, arms thankfully catching her in time.

It brought a sweet rush to her fingers knowing that this was indeed, an illegal substance. She slowly fell limp and watched as the sky before her filled with the blue tendrils of burning toxins. She let it fill up, the smoke being now filled with the opaque substance as it swirled around her completely like a blanket. She then coughed, the substance slowly making it's way into her mouth as she inhaled and felt a sort of sweet burning sensation curled throughout her lungs and throat, ripping its way to her head she finally let it out in a huge cloud watching the light create abstract colors out of the light mist still hanging in the air.

Her blurry eyes slowly closing as Dabi cursed, picking up the once seventeen year old, hoisting her up onto his hip as she slowly began to shrink in his arms almost on an instant of inhaling it.

"Kurogiri! Portal-!"

Just as requested a large portal appeared behind them as Dabi rushed into it, letting the rest of the league retreat with him as he soon appeared in the living room of the base, hearing the clatter of Toga's knife hit the floor as he glanced down seeing the blonde girl now barely 5 years old in his old, her clothes way too big on her as her skirt fell past her, falling to the floor in a small bundle, her shirt hanging off her shoulders, thankfully covering her up as her mess of blonde hair slipped out of the clip's hold letting her buns fall and long hair rest at her shoulders.

"What in the fuck..-"
Dabi cursed just to get a hit aside the head as Toga seemed to giggle at that, Kurogiri retracting his hand as he looked down at her.
"Well.. I guess we have no choice but to take care of her now.."

Toga smiled brightly, wriggling out of Dabi's arms as she tilted her head softly and curiously up at them.
"Does.. she still have the y'know.. mental state as before or?" Dabi mumbled as Toga gently chewed on her cardigan collar, whining as her fangs got tangled with the thread as the burned male sighed, kneeling down before slowly untangling her fang from the fabric.
"There we go.. that better?"

All that he got in response was Toga biting his hand as he attempted to retract it as he hissed in pain, attempting to pull her off.
"Hey- no biting!"

The blonde girl burst into soft giggled, happily pulling away as she glanced around curiously, the others already long gone as she whined, pouting softly.

"You hungry..?"
Dabi mumbled hesitantly as Toga nodded, making grabby hands up to him as he sighed, picking her up again and walking to the kitchen, searching through  the fridge waiting for Toga to pick out something she wanted. Her eventually settling on a yoghurt and cereal mix.

The burned male sighing as he sat down with her on his lap as he slowly spoon fed her as Toga whined anytime he tried to hand it to her as she leaned into his chest, slowly eating in content as the older fed her.

A small nod in return as he nodded, kissing her forehead softly in a platonically caring way. "Good girl.."

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