Enji x Yagi

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Enji Todoroki (Little)

Yagi //blah last name can't remember// (Caretaker)

Requested by; WUNNAA
Slight trigger warning, mentions of drugs, mental issues, abuse, etc

The two men had been dating for as long as they could remember..

Yagi and Enji,

Said to be enemies, but in reality..

Two of the same, just heroes hoping to beat society's standards, keeping their relationship secret from the public not wanting to draw unwanted attention to themselves.

They grew up together..

Both finding out their quirks at pretty much the same time, helping each otehr to practise and build up their skills and quirks, hoping for the best..

Wanting the best..

But when the fire quirked Male began to show up at their meeting spot with bruises littering his body, growing over time, painting his skin a deep purple to yellow.

He had no choice but to endure it,

He didn't want the other to worry..

But of course; the days dragged by,

The years passing, tossing and turning with the sleepless nights..

Decades feeling like noises holding them up high, choking them..

Dragging them down,

Down into a spiral of depression,
Drug misusage,
Alcohol addictions..

Once Enji hit the age of fifteen, he was long gone.

His mental state spiraled to rock bottom and leaving the place he grew up in.

Yagi finding him last moment, grabbing hold of him.. holding him close, promising to join him, leaving along with him..


Years dragged by,

Enji's family giving up finding him, and Yagi's foster child system not caring at all, the two male's living together at a small apartment they managed to afford for the both of them.

Everything was fine..

Except the reoccurring nightmares, dragging Enji down, forcing him to awaken in tears, body shaking and his sobs racking his body.

Yagi always there to help..

The two males finding no harm in helping one another when needed, Enji more frequently..

Yagi didn't mind, not at all..

Nothing was out of the ordinary, until soft cries came from the bedroom, Yagi shooting up from the couch where he was working on his laptop, making his way over to the Sero, gently opening it.

"Oh sh-"

More cries followed, the fire quirked Male curling in on himself, sniffling as Yagi mentally scolded himself, gently and carefully making his way onto the bed, gently patting his lap where the otehr scurried into his embrace, wrapping his limbs around him. Pulling him close, crying into his chest, Yagi gently rubbing his back.

"Shh.. I gotcha.."

Enji sniffled, cuddling up to him as the other sighed, gently rocking him, gulping softly as he noticed the discarded pacifier on the bed, hesitantly reaching for it.

"Aw baby, did I scare you..? I'm sorry, I was worried about you sweetheart, what happened..?"

The fire quirked Male sniffled, whimpering as Yagi gently and gingerly placed the pacifier between his lips in which Enji eagerly suckled on.


A small nod.

"Ah.. okay, I'm sorry about that baby, I'm sorry I wasn't there.. I love you.."

"Mhm.. wuv 'ou too.."

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