Minama - Drabble

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Inconsistent writing update check-
Honey Senpai is my all time favourite OHSHC character-


Mina Ashido (Little)
Yuga Aoyama (Caregiver)

Apologies for the drabble but I'm currently brain dead- please give ideas/requests-


Mina sat on the arm chair in the common room of the dorms, snuggled up beneath a blanket as she slowly ate an ice cream, eyes catching Aoyama's as she whined, pouting softly.

"My mouth's cwold.."

The blonde glanced over, smiling as he ruffled her hair softly. "Want me to warm it up for you renoncule?"

She eagerly nodded, the next few minutes a blur before a hot chocolate was handed to her as she paused, looking down at it, just dazingly staring at the hot cocoa as she pouted, honestly wanting a kiss.

"Here! This is what you meant amour, right..?"

"I.. uh huh! S-sure papa.. dwefinitely.." She mumbled, though still slowly dying inside as she was hoisted up, Aoyama taking a seat as he gently sat her on his lap.

"You sure mon chèrie? You don't sound so sure.. " he spoke softly as Mina just pouted up at him, pointing to her lips as he chuckled.

"Oohh.. you wanted a kiss, I'm sorry I didn't realise renoncule.." He spoke softly, French accent strong as he gently kissed her lips, giving her a 'big girl' kiss as she smiled, happily leaning into it before pulling away and turning to eagerly drinking her hot chocolate.

"I love you mon Chèrie.."

"I wuv woo too Pwapa!"

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