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Damn.. I really need some motivation to do pretty much anything, sorry if this is short, I'm currently brain dead and wishing I was in a different reality.

Totally not a vent through like.. half of this- I totally don't breakdown in most of my lessons because my grades are getting shitty because I'm useless and I'm dealing with shit at home. Nah.. totally not,

(: I'm fine.

Tenya Iida (Little)
Katsuki Bakugou (Caregiver)

Requested by: @_izuku12_


Class was shit.

No surprise as that's well.. what class is, everything being too stressful and irrelevant to practically anyone who was sat in the useless lessons when you could probably learn more from anime's, manga's and the internet itself.

But then again..

It's not as if you could actually say that to your teacher's face without getting a detention in response to your logical views in life.

But anyway..

Tenya slumped at his desk, pen in hand as he attempted to write whatever gibberish the sensei was saying as he sighed, groaning in annoyance as he spelled yet another thing wrong. Honestly having given up at this point as he scribbled over it harshly, gripping the pen tightly as he rested his cheek against his spare hand.

"This is fucking stupid." He mumbled to himself as he stared blankly at the triangles on the page before him.

Fucking pythagoras theory.

The task itself could go take a swan dive off the roof for all he cared. And then made sure to be dead before it finally left him alone. But.. it was a bloody mathematical thing that a stupid person had created to fuck with people's minds.


Tenya groaned, gritting his teeth as he glanced around, having already recieved his grades on his history exam that he was practically three grades away from failing it and that his english exam needed to be redone for the fifth time that week because everytime he did it he managed to get distracted and start writing some random shit within it like starts of stories instead of the useless musical-, poem-like-shit that he honestly had no idea about or what it really was.

What would you call The Christmas Carol?

Was it a musical..?

Was it a poem like thing or was it a boring ass story?

He has no idea.

Nor did he care.

He groaned, slamming his pen down as he felt his eyes slowly begin to whell up in frustration as he gulped, shaking his hand faintly as anyway of trying to ground himself. Not like it worked that well, it never did, it just made him look stupid to anyone looking.

So.. he eventually grounded himself the same way he always did, harshly biting onto his balled up fist, leaving a mark behind as he soon pulled away, exhaling shakily as he did so.
He didn't want to be there anymore.
More than he didn't want to in the first place.. Why did he even bother showing up..?


The small whimper escaped him as the small chapter in the classroom seemed to cover over his words though Denki soon hearing him as well.. as expected, the blonde boy was a fan of pokemon, hence his nickname of 'Pikachu' or maybe that was just a coincidence, the boy turning to see the bluenette hunched over at his desk.
He sighed, clicking his tongue as he leaned back in his chair, alerting Kirishima as he did so.

"Bro.. give this to Iida, okay?" He mumbled, passing back a note as the red head raised a brow before shrugging as he did so, handing the bright yellow post-it-note/sticky-note to Tenya as the teary boy slowly read over it:

-------Hey Iida.. you need me to get Bakugou for you? ~Pikachu -------

Iida hesitated before nodding to Denki as he hid the note in his pocket as the blonde took out his phone, sending a message to Bakugou. Sure, It was a little out of the blue, but the blonde was one of Tenya's babysitters when Bakugou was training so he took it upon himself to get help.

Bakugou soon enough got the message as he read through it, sighing as he got up, being practically able to do so as Aizawa was asleep as he wandered over to the opposite side of the room to Iida, crouching down slightly beside his desk as he spoke to him, small talk being shared as Tenya soon enough practically latched onto him, crying into his shoulder quietly.

Katsuki sighed, gently rubbing his back as he carefully handed him his pacifier after taking off the case as Iida slowly began to calm down as he suckled on it, letting the soother do it's job as Bakugou smiled faintly.


He recieved a small nod in answer as he sighed softly, ignoring the slight sniggering from the corner of the room back where his own desk was as he rolled his eyes.

"Hold on little sonic.. imma make some wine with the grape." He grumbled, walking off to blow up the grape boy.

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