Little Denki

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A/N; Sorta like a vent, but anyway, check out the song above^

Denki Kaminari (Little)
Hitoshi Shinsou (Caretaker)

Requested by: -Softpastelboi69

●Trans Kaminari


Fluff  ✅

Fighting back (verbally to a bully)

Fighting (physical and verbal)
Over protective/Yandere(?) Shinsou (because I stan)


The teenager, who Denki preferred to remain unnamed, stood before him, the scene before in the locker rooms, the blonde changing out of his gym uniform as the boy had appeared, smirking as they leaned against the locked locker further down as Kami could hear his words there loud and clear.

"What's a little girl like you doing in here? Shouldn't you be with your own kin-"

Denki sighed, shutting his locker softly, as he pulled on his school shirt, slowly buttoning it, not caring that his chest scars were on show, prominent as ever as he did so.

"Hey, news flash, I'm not a 'little girl', and no I won't go to the girl's changing rooms because I belong here."

"Keep telling yourself that, princess."

"Don't call me that bitch, go fuck yourself." He grumbled, rolling his eyes on response as he managed to button up his shirt, sorting out his collar. He secretly held his phone, sending a small message to his boyfriend beofre turnung it off and returning to working on his buttons.
Honestly, that was the least he wanted to say to the close minded asshole, where his mind conjured up the worst he could think of;
'You festering dribbles of ferret shit, as colour coordinated as cat sick, as coordinated as octopus on stilts, thick as a brick, as sweet as a lemon, as appealing as a slug sandwich, dumb ass, mother fucking miserable mackerel.'

"Aww, is that all you got you brain dead freak?"

He took a deep breath shaking his head softly as he tried his best to ignore  the asshole as he sighed.
"You're obviously don't know who you're messing with-"

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it darling~?"

"Its not what I'm gonna do that you should be worrying about." He mumbled, slowly fiddling with his tie, having slight trouble with it before managing to do so as he smiled hearing the distant footsteps down the hallway beofre hearing the door slam open as he bowed his head, giggling softly.

Shinsou. His savour and knight in shining armour, his prince and well.. his boyfriend.

The violette soon walked over the other boy gulping as he came into view as Denki hummed softly, watching Shinsou as he grabbed the collar of the other male, easily hoisting him up.
"Excuse me, but no one messes with my boyfriend." He snarled as Denki smiled, turning to watch.

The more the other male spoke the more agitated Shinsou was getting, him slowly gaining white knuckles from clenching his fist too hard, and gritted teeth from effort to remain silent, his hunched form exuded an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent. His face was red with suppressed rage, and when the boy even set a finger on his shoulder, he swinging his fist and mentally snapped.
Blood trickling down with a crunch beneath his fist as he pulled it away, shaking the red liquid off of his hands as the other helped in pain, blood pouring down and staining their skin.

He threw his body weight behind the fist that edged closer to Hitoshi's face, and it hit his jaw with such force blood pooled into his mouth. Pain erupted from the point of impact. With Shinsou's own two hands he grasped his head in his hands and brought his knee cap up to his nose, there was a blunt crack and he released his dark haired head. Crimson leaked from both his nostrils and his nose was twisted right. He drew his fist back again and it ploughed into Hitoshi's stomach, it was like hitting a train head on.. his guts smashed together, blood vessels bursting. Though he repaid this by punching his jaw, his fist collided with all his body weight. Hitoshi continuing this battering until the other fell to the floor. His chest slowly rising and sinking with each shallow breath he drew in.

By the end of the fight there was blood on Shinsou's knuckles and a bruise above his right eye, yet he couldn't recall the fight itself very well. Though he said there would be hell to pay, but he got what he wanted. Denki safe. And victory was his. So if the other wanted another round he would wait in the shadows, fists lowered. But should he see him know that he had trained with a parents and his fists were faster than his.

By the end of it, Hitoshi's chest heaved before turning to his boyfriend, Denki smiling faintly as the violette sighed softly, seeing the flash of fear in his eyes as he rushed over watching Kaminari's knees buckle and him fall to the floor, him catching him and bringing him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I scared you sweetheart.. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.."

Denki sniffled, shakily holding out his pinky. "P-pwinky pwomise p-pwapa..?"

Shinsou nodded solemnly, kissing his forehead as be linked both of theirs together. "I pinky promise.. you mean the world to me.. now.. how about we go to the dorms instead of class, hm..? Would you like a little nap?"

"Uh huh.. t'ank chu.."

"Anything for you baby.. anything for you.."

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