Little Mina x Kirishima

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Have a picture of a manga panel which is my current mood.


Eijiro Kirishima (caregiver)
Ashido Mina (Little)

Requested by an anonymous follower,


Every night is a futile tussle of conflicting thoughts. Mina didn't want to sleep, not yet. She just spent fourteen hours working on homework and extra work in order to attempt to get better grades and she wasn't ready to wake in the morning to rinse and repeat. Her second voice chastised her, the longer she lie in that bed the more chance of sleep she had and the better tomorrow will be. But she knew that between now and the return of daylight are her zombie hours- when she was mostly awake but dozing in fitful spurts. Six hours will feel like sixty yet she would rise as if it was less than ten minutes of down time, just as exhausted as she am now. Then she would put on the 'wrong' clothes, leave the milk on the counter or possible drop it and leave it on the floor without realising and realise her bag was missing.

She knew it was somewhat pathetic to be like this, but she couldn't help it, sleep was a struggle when 'big' nevermind when she was regressed, her boyfriend helping her most of the time, but other times when he was busy or the fact she could hide her age regression too well at times, it was hard to decipher what was wrong with her at times and why she wouldn't sleep.


Honestly, Kirishima knew Mina was self conscious about her regression, she could hide it so easily that sometimes it made him worried, he never knew when she was little despite him even telling her certain sighs she could give him if she wanted help..

But she never did, she didn't like asking for help nevermind telling her boyfriend that she needed it despite how long they had been together.

She was afraid..

And that's understandable and a normal thing to be..

Though now she lay in bed, Kirishima at the desk as he sighed, scribbling out an answer on his homework, Mina cuddling a stuffie to her chest as she sighed, log and drawn out as Eijiro glanced back at her, placing down his pen.

"Tired?" He asked, smiling softly and reassuringly at Mina, who jerked awake with a start, and stares weirdly at him, almost as if he had four heads before shyly shaking her head wit ha pout.

"No.., I'm fwine." She muttered, rubbing his eyes fiercely as she broke off into a small yawn, turning over to face him, sleepy eyelids gently wavering.

"Your lying." He poked her arm lightly as he walked over, sitting on the bed beside her, kissing her forehead soft and lovingly.
"Don't do that." He moved Ashido's arm away from her eyes as she stared blankly at the wall in front of the two of them for a few seconds, maybe minutes.

"Not fine my butt," Eijiro muttered, which earned a glare from the little beside him as he gently ruffled her hair earning a small whine as she swatted his hand away.

"I dwon't nweed sweep."

"Vampires need sleep too, pumpkin."
Kirishima protested, holding her tightly to his chest as he started rubbing her back rhythmically, as Mina tried to move from his grasp, squirming as he whined. "Come on hunny.. it's time to take a nap, you deserve it sweet pea.. "
Eijiro kept smiling at her annoyed expression as he gently brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face.

"Nu sweepy.."

"But sweetheart.. dada will take a nap with you if you rest now, please hunny..?"

Mina huffed, snuggling up to him as she whined.
"Fwine.." she snuggled closer, cuddling up to his chest as she sigehd, yawning softly before slowly closing her eyes.

"Good girl.."

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