TodoIida [Pt 3]

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Tenya Iida (caregiver)
Shoto Todoroki (little)
Eijiro Kirishima (caregiver..?)

Today.. Wasn't the best for the two, of course Todoroki was pampered and treated like the little prince he was, but when an upcoming test was coming up and he couldn't help but crumble and regress due to the stress, Tenya found it hard to cope himself.
Especially when he had a three year old to take care of.

"Sweetie, come here, you've got to let me check your ar-"
"Nu uh! Dada nu wanna!"
"Hun, I'm doing this to make sure you're not hurting yourself again, I'm worried about you.."
"Baby nu wanna!"

He groaned, rubbing his temples, it's been like this for the last three hours and the bluenette needed to study, his little boy wasn't helping by acting up, and it was beginning to grind on his patience.



The boy finally snapped, the regressor tumbling to the ground as he looked up to him, tears threatening to fall from his heterochromatic eyes, hand upon his swelling cheek.

"Dada hit me.."

"Sho, I'm sorry-"

The boy shook his head weakly and slowly as if in a daze, before he ran out of the room, not exactly knowing where he was going, but right now.. He knew he couldn't trust the other.
The bluenette quickly rushing to the door, peering out to see the boy had already left the hallway, he cursed, tears prickling at his own eyes as he comprehended what he just did.
He hurt his baby, and guilt swarmed in hin, but he had no idea where he was, or what to do.

The multicoloured boy was long gone, tears cascading down his porcelain pale cheeks as he fell back once more, eye sight blurry as he gasped.
"Hey.. It's okay, can you tell me what's wrong..?"
The voice was soft, a male's, soothing and calming as he sniffled, launching himself into the other's arms, gently and carefully being lifted up, rested upon Kirishima's hip.
"I.. Dada, Hi.. Hi.."
He couldn't finish the word, sobbing into the boy's shoulder as Kirishima gently rubbed his back, hesitating before bringing him to his room.


The boy was gently sat on Kirishima's bed, the red head gently kneeling down to meet with his height.
He sighed softly, eyes glancing over the red hand mark upon the boy's cheek as he stood up, making his way to his mini fridge returning with a frozen cold water bottle, holding it to the regressor's cheek as Todoroki whined at the temperature, whining as it stung slightly.

"There we go.. That should reduce the pain for you, little buddy."
The red head, ruffled his hair carefully not to alarm the boy as he held the makeshift ice pack to his cheek.
"Can you tell me who your Dada is..?"
He sniffled, tears slowly slithering down his cheeks as Kirishima sighed softly, gently wiping them away with his thumb.
"I.. Iwa.."
The red head paused softly, gently caressing his cheek to reassure the weeping boy.

He sniffled, nodding as the teenager bit his bottom lip, mumbling softly to himself as he thought over his choices.
"I see.. Hey, little soldier, how would you like to take care of one of my old stuffies?"
He perked up, eagerly nodding as the red head chuckled,with a smile over his features.
"Okay, can you hold this to your cheek and I'll go get them for you."
He did as he was told, curiously sneaking a glance over to the red head who was searching through his closet before making his way back over to him with a stuffed rabbit, it's fur a soft pink with a white patch of fur around it's left eye.

Todoroki brightened up, happily making grabby hands towards it as Kirishima made a quick motion to catch the water bottle, chuckling softly.
"Careful, sunshine. You don't want to hurt yourself anymore, do you? Now, here you go, here's your new best friend-! "
Shoto giggled happily hugging the stuffie to his chest, nuzzling his cheek against it's surprisingly soft and clean fur. "Canz- canz I nwame?!"
"Yes, of course you can, baby boy. Pick a special name for your stuffie,"
He chuckled, the sound soft and reassuring as he ruffled his hair.

"Umm.. Uncwle kiwi nwames!"

The older's heart melted at his innocence, softly smiling at him, nodding. "Okay, I'll name them for you, how abouuuut, Bubbles?"
The little perked up, giggling happily, hugging the stuffie close to his chest, as Kirishima wrapped his arms around the eager regressor.

"Tank 'ou, uncwle kiwi!"


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