Little Tenya

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Song above,
Tenya Iida (Little)
Tensei Iida (caregiver)
Non sexual.
A/N; Sorry for not updating for a while, life is hectic and I'm trying my best..

School ended for a short break, two weeks of freedom from loud and rowdy classmates, but..
Two weeks away from his caregiver and boyfriend, he knew for a fact he wouldn't be able to stand being 'big' for that long.
At least some stress was released from him when Tensei picked him up in his car, letting the boy pick whatever music he liked and the temperature of the interior of the car.
He never knew why.. but a certain temperature always brought him into a comforting atmosphere, his eyes averting over to his older brother who drove them out of the parking lot, glancing over him.

"You okay..? You seem pretty far away, Ten."

He hummed, weakly nodding as he sighed, resting his head on his hand as he looked out of the window, letting the music transport him into another world completely.
Mind wandering and spare hand tapping his thigh softly at the soft beat of the song playing;
ESCAPE By Megan Nicole

Tensei glanced over at him everynow and again, sighing lightly as he comfortingly entwined one of their hands together, gently rubbing over his knuckles.
"Ten you know I'm here for you no matter what, right..?"
He recieved another nod as he sighed, taking it as a que to silence himself for a while and just let the boy wander within his own mind, pondering anything that well.. came to dance around amongst his head.

They soon arrived at their shared house, the two of them moving out once Tensei was old enough to buy his own property.
They lived together as an escape away from the troubles of their parents, their unaccepting words wither and taunt their minds each night, but what could they say..?
Some times they believed them, other times.. they finally believed they were good enough with one another's comfort.

Tensei gently got out, and opened the door for him, kissing his forehead softly in a welcoming way as he sighed. "Go on inside, make yourself at home, I'll get your bags."
Tenya obediently nodded, not in the mood to disobey his reasonable request as Tensei handed him the key to the house, letting the boy collect himself before walking up the path to the house.
Tensei sighed gently, smiling at the boy, having missed his presence as he closed the doors and opened the boot of the car, grabbing his bags out, and carrying them up to the house after locking the car.

He jogged up to his blue haired brother, smiling softly as he watched him unlock the door with a little fumble of his hand before pushing it open and walking inside.
Tensei followed behind, taking in the homey feeling of the building as Tenya twirled his thumbs, waiting until his brother placed his bags down before opening his arms for him.
This of course, didn't need any sense of hesitation as Tenya threw himself into his arms, resting his head on his shoulder with a small sniffle.

"I missed you so much little bro.."
Tenya smiled softly and weakly nodding in agreement as he let tears flow, staining the boy's shoulder.
"M'missed y-you too.."
"Aww.. c'mere.."
The two boys embraced one another as Tensei kissed his forehead, rubbing his back softly letting him cry as much as he needed.
"I'm here.. I'm here, I love you Tenya.."
He whimpered, clawing at the back of his older brother's shirt as Tensei nodded softly, gently picking him him.
"I l-love you too.."

The older gently rocked him in his arms, as Tenya cried softly into his shoulder, which of course he didn't mind.. The boy loved his brother, he was practically a parent to him, he gently kissed his cheek as Tenya finally let his mindspace take place, becoming practically putty in his embrace.
"How about we get you changed into something more comfy, my little sonic..?"

The other nodded weakly as the older smiled, slowly carrying him upstairs to his room, gently opening the closet as he let the boy pick whichever onesie he wished.
This resulting in a soft blue Stitch onesie, Tenseu having no problem helping him change into it.
"How old are you, buddy..?"
He recieved a small hand gesture of three fingers as he chuckled softly nodding.
"And how many's that?"

The boy thought for a second before responding with a small giggle.
"One.. tree.. two..!"

Tensei lightly shaking his head in amusement. "You're a big boy aren't you-!" Adding emphasis to his words as Tenya giggled, shaking his head.
"Nu uh! I wittle boy-!"
"Well, if you say so, would you like your paci?"
The boy eagerly nodded as Tensei chuckled nodding, opening the bedside table for him letting him pick out one, a pastel blue floral patterned one as he gingerly placed it in the boy's mouth.

Tenya happily making grabby hands to him as he smiled in return, picking him up and sitting him on his lap, running a hand through his hair.
"I love you little bro.. forever and ever, I promise you I'll never let you get hurt ever again.."

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