Tamaki x Shinso

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A/N; My official OTP,

Tamaki Amajiki; (Caretaker)
Hitoshi Shinsou; (Little)


Hitoshi Shinsou, the commonly known insomniac sufferer of course victimised by bullies upon other's finding out about his so called 'villainous' quirk.
This of course beginning ag the start of the year and onwards, by the time it was, he was used to it.
Of course he was, being tormented, bullied and degraded for how he was, how his quirk was and how he looked tended to slowly bring down his nonexistent self confidence and self love.

He was always seen drinking at least some sort of caffeinated drink throughout the days just to keep himself awake. Though the continuous cycle of his sleep deprivation would slowly take a toll on him and his physical health and abilities..

Anyway, here he was..
Sat upon his usual spot on the roof, picking at his bento box, freshly brewed coffee in hand thanks to his adoptive father working at the school to provide him with them.
He slowly sipped at his mug, hands clasped around the ceramic in attempt to keep them warm from the bitter cold wind that circled around him.
His head bowed as his bento box sat beside him on the bench awaiting the older student to make his way to meet up with him. Amajiki Tamaki

The timid older student eventually made his way through the roof doors not taking long to take note the messy violette hair that could only belong to Shinso. His trembling hands held a small bento box of his own, or seemingly well, a homemade one.
He slowly shuffled over as Hitoshi perked up, moving his bento aside for him before gently tapping the metal bench beside him to give the other some space as he signalled to where Tamaki could sit. A small smile tugging at the sleep deprived Male's lips as Amajiki took a seat, turning his head to look at the other.

"H-hi, how are y-you today..?"

Shinso lifted his mug to his lips, slowly taking a sip of the burning liquid that was confined in the ceramic mug not seeming to care for the burn that followed.
His tongue tingling at the feeling, the comforting and warm welcome of the caffeine entering his system as he slowly leaned against the wall behind him, Amajiki watching every move.

"I'm fine.. little tired, but what's new?"

"You-.. you really need to sleep more.."

Shinso just let out a soft sigh, closing his eyes temporarily, slowly taking a gulp of the hot liquid that burned the back of his throat in a relaxing manner before letting his eyes slowly flutter open once more. His purple irises dancing over to Tamaki as he just gave him a small shrug of the shoulders in response, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth slightly.

"Probably, I mean, I would if I could.. but forcing yourself to sleep isn't good for someone-"

"Hitoshi." His tone level and firm, though caring and considerate as the violette fell silent, letting the other speak as the silent request had stated.
"You need to sleep more.. it's not good for you, you're al-already beginning to show the signs of cognitive impairments and hallucinations or you're just really paranoid..  I'm not sure.. are- are you okay, really?"

The violette just looked at him blankly as Tamaki sighed softly, gently waving a hand in front of his face causing the other to flinch away once he put his hand down. A late reaction.
The other's eyes glanced into his, gaining his attention. "What did you mean by those fancy words?"

Tamaki gave him a blank stare, sighing softly as he picked up a piece of sushi with his chopsticks, gently placing the sticky food into his mouth as he slowly chewed and swallowed before responding.
"Cognitive impairments?"
Hitoshi nodded softly, turning in his seat to look at him as he slowly drank his coffee, his appetite long gone as the hot drink filled his needs for now.

"Well, it- it means when a person, or you in this case has trouble remembering, learning new things, concentrating, or making decisions that affect their everyday life.."

"Is.. it bad?"

"It ranges, mild to severe.."

Hitoshi hummed nodding softly as he tried his best to take in the information he was given, though losing interest as he spaced out staring at the sky.
"I can see a cloud that looks like a bunny-"
"Huh..? Right- sorry-"
"It's fine.. can you try and eat some more for me..?"

The violette glanced down at his food as he huffed, pouting as he did so, picking at the sushi before slowly picking up a piece of salmon with his chopsticks, placing the smooth meat into his mouth, slowly chewing.
He couldn't help but seem the fish the best part of sushi, well.. apart from the rice of course. He glanced up at Tamaki expectantly as he shook his head softly to the sleep deprived boy.
"More than just one piece."

Hitoshi sighed overexasperatingly as he obediently ate some more of the contents in his bento until Tamaki said it was enough as he though the spare away, watching the sky until Tamaki had finished eating not wanting to enhance the boy's anxiety by watching him as he finished off his lunch.
The younger gently laid over his lap, a hand making it's way into his messy locks as Tamaki gently played with his hair, letting him relax.

"Try- try and rest.. please, for me butterfly..?"

Hitoshi hummed softly, eyes wavering as he slowly relaxed at the feeling of the other's fingers threading through his hair, carefully untangling knots along the way as he did so.
A small yawn leaving the violette as he placed his empty mug aside before curling up on Tamaki's lap and the bench as his eyes slowly fluttered shut.

"I love you baby.."

"I.. wuv- love you too.."

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