Little Koda Pt2

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I love Koda..- Koda needs more love- Part two of Little Koda?

Koda Koji (Little)

-hinted aromatic/ace Koda?
-Author projecting onto a comfort character in a.. positive way-
-slight reference to past s!abuse

song above-


Koda never really understood people.

Whether or not that's a normal thing, he wasn't sure, but it was something he learned to deal with over time..
After a while, he learned it didn't really matter.. he found out he wasn't the only one with these.. issues..?

He found out there was plenty of other people who found it hard too, like a few of his classmates, like for example:

-Kaminari..  he never seems to know what social cues were or how to interact with others, using comedy and his act of acting 'dumber' than others to be able to get attention and be able to make friends that way.

-Todoroki.. He never really knew what was going on, nevermind if people were involved or not. He just seemed.. constantly confused. All the time.

-Bakugou.. call Koda crazy but after being able to observe each of his classmates over time without having to talk to them. Anyway- he knew for a fact Bakugou just used his loud nature to be able to gain the attention he needed as his role of a scapegoat in a way.

-Midoriya.. even the most nerdiest of the class- the 'main character', the well.. recovering bullied kid. It was obvious he just used his smarts to blend in and fit in with the other kids.

-Tokoyami.. though it being obvious, he was one to.. keep to himself, much like Todoroki, though.. having his companion of Dark Shadow at his side.

The list could go on..

and on..

Koda sighed lightly, rubbing at his head softly as he stretched his arms as he sat back in his desk chair, glancing around his dorm as he glanced around upon hearing the soft squeaks of Yuwai-Chan -his bunny-.

He smiled faintly, getting up as he stumbled slightly, legs numb from being sat at his desk studying for too long as he silently made his way over to the pen he had made for his bunny, kneeling down as he carefully pet her.

The soft sounds of rain pattering against his balcony door and window caused him to sigh softly as he sat watching the droplets slide down the glass for a few minutes before glancing back over at Yuwai-Chan. He hummed softly below his breath, carefully scratching behind one of her ears before grabbing a carrot stick for her and offering it out to the small albino bunny as the soft crunches followed as the animal ate peacefully.

Koda eventually got back up again, leaving Yuwai-Chan to feed as he sighed quietly, the soft fuzzy feeling of his oncoming headspace lingering as he shrugged off his shirt and began to change into his soft pyjamas for the night.

Though he pulled on a pair of fluffy socks before slowly toddling over to the balcony door, closing up the blinds after taking one last look outside before locking up his dorm door and the balcony door, making sure to close all his blinds before climbing into bed.
He smiled shyly to himself as he slowly pulled up the bedsheets up to his chin, hands holding onto the top of the fabric as he giggled softly at the feeling of his socked feet ruffle against the blanket.

He hummed softly, rubbing at his tired eyes before picking up his phone just to check his notifications before he went to bed just in case.

After all, his phone was always on silent so he never knew if he was getting an urgent message or anything, though he knew he was still waiting for a phonecall and an email for an awaiting partnership for some hero work.

But anyway-

He softly reached over with the small rustle of blankets as he grabbed his soundproofing headphones, carefully pulling them on as he turned his brightness down and slowly began to scroll through his notifications swiping off those which were not needed.

Though eventually coming across the group chat with him and his friends, a small smile tugging at his lips as his eyes flickered over the group chat name. Though slowly scrolling through missed messages as he pouted softly, his regressed mind finding it hard to focus on a few.. long messages sent here and there though a few pictures capturing his eyes, sticking his tongue out at the screen as he saw pictures of some of his friend's with their partners, rolling his eyes with a small giggle at his own actions before putting his phone down after seeing a picture of one of his friends kissing one of their partner's cheeks.

He never really understood love. Or well- he did, just not.. romantic love, it just seemed all.. weird.. and forced whenever he tried.

Like.. sure, he had tried dating before—

Didn't end well, the other seeming to try and use him for.. other purposes, and he didn't appreciate being touched without consent. Though- he did manage to get out of the relationship sooner or later as his 'partner' had been sent away due to them taking action on other people too.

But anyway-

Koda always found it.. fake, relationships- he means, sure, people can smile, kiss and whatever.. but he never really saw the appeal of it.

It looked gross.

All of it- even the holding hand thing just.. bleh.. he didn't like it, unless it was his friends- that was fine.. anyone else? He hated it. It didn't seem.. real it just seemed all forced. As if trying to meet a standard set by other people.

But anyway-

Koda scrunched up his face lightly at the thought as he shook his head to himself, snuggling back up under his blankets, pulling a stuffie close as he tucked it under his arm, kissing it's fake fur lightly as he  yawned softly before sleepily curling up.

The regressor relaxed at the sound of the rain and the distant and muffled sounds of Jirou playing the guitar across the hall from him as he slowly began to fall asleep with a smile on his face. Dozing off peacefully.

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