Little Tetsu x Kirishima

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hey look- some rare content, time to get back to work, we're sorry we were gone but here's some content.

it's such a "beautiful" day to stay inside.

we've been a "little" depressed as usual, but here we are:
time to sit down and get to work.

TetsuTetsu (Little)
Eijiro Kirishima (Caregiver)

-practically just a vent about this annoying heatwave in Britain, but fluff in a way,

-also, trans Tetsu content cause why not-?

Waking up to the smoldering heat and the sound of the fan opposite the bed caused a low, annoyed groan from Tetsu as he stretched, legs kicking lightly as he did so, a soft huff from his partner being heard as the boy had accidentally kicked Eijiro who lay beside him.

Tetsu grumbled quietly to himself, pushing himself up as he fanned himself with a quirk activated hand in which.. sort of? helped, though the clammy feeling of his skin and the bedsheets practically glued to him caused him to whine in annoyance.

The boy flopping back down onto the bed as he sighed, say- having only slept in his boxers he would've expected to somewhat at least have cooled down.

But no,

He sighed, letting himself turn off his quirk, flopping a hand over his chest, his fingers brushing against the curling corners of his trans tape due to the amount he was well.. sweating.

"Hey pebble.."

The slow slurred out half asleep words being said by the one and only Kirishima as Tetsu sighed, turning his head to look at his partner.


He responded quietly though fussily digging his nails into the tape as Eijiro carefully held his hands, entwining their fingers together.

"how about a cold bath, hm..?"

Kirishima mumbled quietly as Tetsu nodded, not having to think about it as he honestly would've done anything at that point to get nice and cool.
Tetsu anxiously gulping as he felt the bed dip as Kirishima stood, carefully picking him up bridal style causing a small chuckle to escape his lips as Eijiro carried him to the bathroom.

Tetsu soon enough being helped into the bathtub as it was being ran, Eijiro climbing in behind him as he hummed softly, gently kissing his temple as he added the bubble bath mixture, slowly mixing it with his hand.

Just soaking in that cold water, felt like a comforting hug in which hugged every inch of Tetsu's clammy skin so gently.. so perfectly.
The boy breathing in the aroma of the bubble bath as he relaxed, feeling the soft fuzzy feeling of his brain letting him know he was going to regress soon.

Tetsu just letting it happen as he relaxed, untensing his shoulders as he rested his head on Eijiro's shoulder, taking a soft breath.
Softly and deeply exhaling afterwards as he let himself regress as he felt Eijiro carefully squeeze out some shampoo onto his hair and slowly begin to massage his head.

The little exhaled slowly as he shuddered lightly feeling Eijiro's fingers ghost over his ribs as he squealed, giggling quietly at the touch.


Eijiro chuckled as he slowly nodded, watching the boy wriggle playfully as he smiled.

"it's tickling? ah! my apologies sweetie,"

He chuckled, Tetsu whining as Eijiro moved his hands away before humming in content as Kirishima began to massage his head once more, the soft reminder for him to move his head back was heard as Tetsu did as he was told before Eijiro began to wash out the shampoo.

"Such a good boy aren't you hunny?"

Eijiro smiled as he hummed, gently washing out the boy's hair before repeating the process of applying conditioner as he began to massage it into Tetsu's hair, making sure to add a generous amount to the ends of his hair.

"can you turn around for me hun?"

he asked as Tetsu obediently did as he was told, Eijiro carefully lathering his hands up with the correct oils before getting Tetsu's permission to slowly soak the trans tape in it with the oil to make it easier and less painful to remove from his skin.

Kirishima soon enough slowly taking off the trans tape from his partner's skin, making sure he didn't hurt him as he let Tetsu clean his own chest afterwards to make sure it was taken care of properly before playing with the bubbles.

The rest of the bath going through smoothly as Eijiro soon enough washed out Tetsu's hair and made sure to help him get clean before drying him with a towel.
Soon enough swaddling him in it and swooping him up in his arms as he playfully span around with him, exciting giggles from the regressed boy in his arms.
Though upon stopping Tetsu whined, pouting at him with a small huff.

"-'gain! -'gain!"

Kirishima chuckling as he nodded, spinning him around once more as he playfully stumbled, Tetsu giggling away as he squealed happily, bouncing in his arms as the other soon enough caught his balance.

"Lets go get you dressed buddy, you've been such a good boy,"

Eijiro praised with a smile, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead as Tetsu relaxed in his arms.

"wub chu.."

he cooed as his partner smiled at him in awe.

"I love you too baby.. so much,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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