Little Twice

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Little Twice,
Big sis Toga

Because he's a misunderstood being that must be protected at all costs.

Manga spoilers & (song above)


Jin Bubaigawara..




A clone..?

Or himself..?

He didn't know, he didn't want to know, yet.. he did. He wanted to know the truth, was he real or just another clone?

Without his mask, Jin suffers more heavily from dissociative identity disorder..;
While masked, Twice contradicts himself and acts completely natural about it, but without it his split personalities argue with each other.

He goes into a panic and threatens to "split" until he puts his mask back on and becomes "whole". Jin's identity crisis stems from a tragic accident that drove him to insanity, changing his overbearing and lazy previous persona. He has a strong self-conflict over who he actually is and believes that he might be a clone that had killed the original..

He was never sure whether he was the real one,

The real Jin,

The real creation and not another clone..


This of course, resulted in stress for the blonde male, him finding it hard to keep in control of his personalities, and fight for control of the vessel he called his body.
From times, he'd snap, shout, fight and hurt others.. this of course, not being his fault, it was just his nature to protect himself even if nothing was a danger to him at that moment in time.

Other times..
He would be hyper, upbeat and happy to talk, chirping happily and skipping around the base like he had no troubles in the world.
That was Twice, his "whole" self in one, when he had his mask or some sort of ease to himself to not switch to his other personalities.

His head ached, his vision hazy and small whines leaving his parted lips, as he shifted from his position on the comfortable bed, slowly pushing himself up, propping his body up against the head of the bed, rubbing his eyes softly, yawning quietly.
The small giggle from the female across the room was heard as the chipper girl perked up at the sight of the other awakening from his nap, slowly making her way over, gently sitting on the bed, picking up the discarded handkerchief on the pillow.

"Can you close your eyes for me Twicey?"

The boy slowly nodded, obediently closing his eyes tightly, only just hearing her voice over the small static like fuzz within his head as she gently and kindly tied the soft material around the right side of his head, gently kissing his forehead like a mother to a child.
"You can open up your eyes now, are you hungry?"

The blonde male slowly opened his eyes, nodding slowly as she smiled, gently picking up a bowl of marshmallow infused cereal, gently holding it as she held a spook as well.
"Do you want me to feed you or are you a big boy today?"
She smiled her usual upbeat smile as he slowly, yawned, sleepily pointing to her as she nodded, gently getting a spoonful of the cereal offering it to him.

"Here comes the spaceship coming in for a landing~!"

He giggled, slowly opening his mouth as the chipper girl gently fed him, making sure he didn't drop any of the milk down his chin as he slowly chewed before swallowing.
This continuing until all of the cereal was gone, Toga smiling as she stood, dusting off her skirt.

"Oki doki, I'm going to go wash this up and I'll be right back Twicey, take your time to full wake up hunny!"

The blonde male watched her leave the room, as he sighed, slowly kicking off his bedsheets, shuddering at the cold draft the room brought as he pouted, glaring at the blankets, now regretting moving.
"Well, that wasn't nice, was it?"
He grumbled, humphing as he slid down onto the floor, shuffling along to the bathroom.

He slowly washed his face, doing his business also before brushing his teeth, giggling as he made funny faces in the mirror, keeping the bandana over his head, trying his best not to move it as he washed and dried his face.
He slowly made his way back to his room, sighing as he plopped down on the floor, picking up a small plastic block as he smiled; beginning to build a small tower.

He occupied himself until the blonde girl returned, shutting the door behind herself as she giggled, sitting down beside him, kindly helping him to build the tower.

The two clapping happily as they placed the last block on top of the tower of colourful blocks, Twice giggling as he beamed over at her receiving a small kiss to the temple as he smiled in return.

"I wuv 'ou sissy.."

"Aww, I love you too hun.."

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