Chapter 10

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We got in his car and headed towards my house. We made small talk until my phone rang "Shameless" by All Time Low. That's Nicole's ring tone. I looked at my phone:

Incoming Call
My Bae <3

I slid my finger across the green bar and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Nicole, what's up?"

"Hey Lukey. Can you come get me?" She sounded funny. I looked to Ashton and he mouthed 'speaker'. I quickly hit the button.

"Uh, sure. You okay?"

"I don't know." I looked to Ash and we both gave each other looks.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I feel funny. Can you just come get me, please?"

"Sure, what's the address?"

Nicole gave me the address and Ashton quickly drove us there. He pulled up in front of the house and I turned to him quickly.

"If I don't come out in ten minutes, come in please."

"Okay. Good luck."

"Yeah, thanks."

Luke's pov

I hurried out of the car and made my way towards the house. I could hear the music blasting from outside. I figured no one would hear me knock, so I just walked in.

I was immediately greeted by the stench of alcohol and drunk kids all over the place.

I made my way through the crowd, looking for Nicole. I don't know what she's wearing because Bobby made her change.

I went into the kitchen, only to see a couple making out on the table. I sighed and walked outside, onto the patio.

I looked around outside, but didn't see her. I decided to check the bathroom next, then the second floor. I hope I find her soon.

I walked back into the house and made my way through the crowd once again. I started down the hallway, until I got to a door, which I hoped led to a bathroom.

I knocked and put my ear to the door, to see if I hear her. There was no response and the door was unlocked. So I quickly went in, but found an empty bathroom.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I hope she's okay upstairs, if she's even up there.

I walked out and headed for the stairs. When I passed the kitchen, I saw Bobby in there with a girl. Not Nicole. I contemplated on asking if he knew where she was, but I decided against it. I know him, he'll go off on me and I don't feel like fighting Bobby, let alone when he's drunk.

I quickly went upstairs and started checking to see what doors were unlocked. God, I hope I find Nicole and not something else.

I opened the first unlocked door, and it was an empty closet. I rolled my eyes and moved on. The next door was locked, and so was the one after that. So I walked to the other side of the hall.

I didn't bother opening the first door, because I heard noises behind it. I went to the next door and it was unlocked. I walked in slowly, not wanting to walk in on anything.

There she was, sitting on the bed, playing on her phone. I shut the door behind me, and she looked up.

"Hey Nic, you okay?" I asked her gently, as I started walking towards her.

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