Chapter 1

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A/N Just wanted to give you an idea of his uniform

Luke's pov

I heard the door creak open, but didn't bother opening my eyes. The bed dipped by my feet, than someone was crawling on top of me. They started shaking me and screaming, "WAKE UP HEMMO! WE HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!!"

That's my best friend Nicole. We've been best friends since three, when she moved here, here being Sydney, Australia, from California. Sometimes we act more like a couple than best friends, and no one hesitates to tell us that and that were cute together.

I'm not gonna try denying it like most people do, I like Nicole. A lot. I have since I was ten years old. I remember exactly how I realized I like her, too.

We were in a treehouse we had built with our dads and my brother. We started having this deep conversation, which was normal for us. We ended up talking about how we never wanted to loose each other no matter what. We had been looking into each other's eyes, like we always had when we talked deep, but I was really examining her this time. I kept finding everything I liked about her, and couldn't find one flaw.

Of course, being her best friend she always pointed out flaws to me, but I just looked at them as something that made her more perfect. No one is perfect, everyone has flaws. But in my eyes, she is perfect. That was when I realized I liked her. I was always scared to tell her, so I didnt. And now I can't, because there's just one problem.

Anyway, I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. "Go away, I wanna sleep."

"Get up. You have to get ready, and eat breakfast, because we all know Lucas Robert Hemmings never misses a meal." Nicole said. Even though she's been here since she was three, and we're sixteen now, she never developed an Australian accent.

I chuckled and said, "I'm sure I have plenty more time to sleep."

"No you don't, Bobby is gonna be at my house in-" She paused and pulled out her phone. "In twenty minutes. So get your ass out of bed."

Oh yeah. That's the problem. Bobby. Bobby is Nicole's eighteen year old boyfriend. He's a total looser, and I'm not just saying that because I have feelings for Nicole. No one close to Nicole likes him. I don't trust him either. He's-

My thought was interrupted by Nicole pulling my blanket off my bed.

"Noooooo." I groaned and rolled to lay on my stomach.

"Luke, I swear I will not hesitate to get the stuff again." She warned. By the stuff, she means our special water gun. It's filled with all these different liquids and soaps. It has this really nasty odor, and we use it when the other one won't get up. She had to use it on me a week ago. It took three days to get the smell off. It's absolutely disgusting, but affective when it comes to getting a person up.

I jolted up and screamed, "I'M UP!" I then rushed over, and got out my school uniform.

Nicole chuckled as I was walking to the bathroom, so I stopped and turned to her. "What?"

She smiled, and was clearly holding back a laugh. She bit her lip, then spoke up. "Nice boxers."

I looked down, and felt the heat rise to my cheeks. She's seen me in my boxers before, but usually just my plaid ones. Of course, I was wearing my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ones now. Usually I don't sleep in my boxers, I have pajama pants, but it got hot in my room last night, so I took them off.

"I- uh- I'm gonna go change now." I spit out and literally ran to the bathroom. Of course Jack, my nineteen year old brother, had to be just coming out of the bathroom.

He started laughing and pointed at me. "Nice boxers. Great way to impress the ladies." My cheeks grew more pink, if possible, then I heard a girly laughter from behind me.

I quickly spun around, and saw Nicole there, covering her mouth with her hand. She was trying to contain her laughter.

"Morning Nicki." Jack called from behind me.

Nicole moved her hand from her mouth and smiled at my brother. Gosh, she has a pretty smile. "Morning Jack. Luke, hurry up and get ready. You now have fifteen minutes." She put her hands on her hips, and did a little motion with her hands.

I playfully rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes and said, "You are very childish, Lucas." And then she stuck her tongue out at me. I smiled and walked into the bathroom to get ready.

Once I had my uniform on, I fixed my hair, and brushed my teeth. I walked out to find Nicole leaning on the wall waiting for me. She smiled and started leading the way downstairs.

We walked into the kitchen and were greeted by a yummy smell and my mom.

"Morning kids. I made you pancakes and bacon for breakfast." She smiled and set the plate of bacon on the table.

"Thank-" I interrupted Nicole by screaming, "BACON!!" I ran and sat down at the table immediately digging in.

"Luke! You're eating your own kind. How could you eat a fellow pig?!" Nicole exclaimed jokingly. Whenever I ate, no matter what I ate, she called me a pig. As a joke, of course.

So, through a mouth full of food, I said, "So, call me a cannibalistic pig." My mom then walked over and smacked the back of my head. I swallowed and rubbed my head. "Oww!" I whined and my mom responded, "Don't talk with your mouth full."

Nicole burst out laughing, I just looked at her an shook my head. We then finished eating, and headed to her house, which is right next door, to wait for her wonderful boyfriend to arrive. Note the sarcasm.

"When will he be here?" I asked as we sat on her front steps.

"Like, two minutes."


Well, ten minutes later, we started walking to school. Nicole had tried calling and texting him. Of course he didn't answer.

We got to school and rushed to our lockers, which happened to be right next to each other. Our school doesn't go in alphabetical order. They just kinda put your locker wherever.

"Has he at least answered you yet?" I asked as I closed my locker, and turned to her.

"Has who at least answered her yet?" A voice behind me asked. I turned and saw Nicole's other friends, Ashley and Maia.

"Her wonderful boyfriend who was supposed to drive us to school, but didn't show up. And he won't answer his phone." I replied, rolling my eyes at the asshole that just had to date my best friend and crush.

"I'm sure he just got busy or forgot." Nicole tried to assure us.

"Come on, we should get to class." I said, and started heading in the direction of our class. When I saw she wasn't following, I turned and waited for her. "You coming?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Nah, I'll meet you there. I'm gonna see if I can find Bobby." I rolled my eyes and her response, and turned to continue to class.

As I walked away, I heard Ashley ask with hope in her voice, "Finally breaking up with him?"

"No, I'm waiting to make sure he's okay." Nicole replied, annoyed.

Let me tell you a little about the lovely couple. Again, note the sarcasm. So it all started...
A/N cliffhanger! So that's the first chapter. Hope you guys liked it. It's basically just introducing some characters, the setting and idea of the book. I decided to end the chapter there, because I didn't want to drag on.

What do you guys think is gonna happen in the book?

Have a good whatever time it is. Bye 😃

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