Chapter 15

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We walked to an open area. I put my hands on her waist and she put her's around my neck. We swayed to the music. I looked down at Nicole and she looked back at me. I couldn't stop myself from closing my eyes and slowly leaning in. My lips slowly connected with her's, and to my surprise, she didn't pull away. In fact, she kissed back.

Nicole's P.O.V

Oh. My. God. I just kissed my best friend. My first kiss, was with my best friend. I cheated. And, I felt sparks. I cheated. And I kinda liked it.......No. I didn't and I didn't feel sparks. It was an 'in the moment' kinda thing. I didn't feel sparks. I didn't like it. Luke doesn't like me. I don't like Luke. I love Bobby. And he loves me.

Luke's P.O.V

We pulled away, and I stared at Nicole. She avoided looking at me. She looks shocked and worried. Fuck.

Nicole finally looked at me and frowned a bit. "Luke, I'm sorry. That was a mistake. You know, an 'in the moment' kinda thing. You feel the same, right?" Wrong. "Right. It was just a mistake. Just in the moment."

"Can we keep it between us, please? I love Bobby. This was just a little mistake." Nicole said, slightly panicking.

"Of course, stays between us." Just put on a fake smile, Luke. Don't show you're hurt.

"Hey guys. The dance is over in two minutes. Want a ride home?" Ashton asked, as he approached us with the group following.

"Yes please." Nicole said politely. We then followed everyone to Ashton's car, since it is big enough for all of us. Michael said goodbye to Emily and followed us to Ash's car.

"Shotgun!" I called. I couldn't stand to be near Nicole. I know she didn't intentionally do it, but she really hurt me. I love her so damn much and she doesn't see it. She's in love with Bobby.
But he doesn't love her. So we have to go through with the plan. I don't want her getting anymore hurt than she already is gonna be.

We all piled into the car, and Ash headed for our (Nicole and my) houses first.

"Everyone is still going to our gig tomorrow, right?" Michael asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Ashley replied for the girls.

"Did you invite Emily?" Calum turned to Mike.

"Yep. We hit it off great, so I invited her." He replied, grinning like an idiot.

"What songs are you guys playing tomorrow?" Nicole asked.

"Try Hard, Out Of My Limit, Too Late, Gotta Get Out, Beside You, Voodoo Doll, and a new one." Ashton answered.

"What new one?" Nicole asked out of curiosity.

"It's a surprise. We've practiced when none of you girls were around." Michael said. Which, it was partially true. None of the girls have heard it. But Maia and Ashley do know the lyrics.

Nicole didn't reply. She just nodded. Ashton pulled up to our houses and we said our goodbyes.

I decided to walk Nic to her door. We got up to her door and turned to each other.

"Thanks Luke. I had fun tonight. Goodnight." She smiled and walked into her house. I huffed. Now she's not gonna make physical contact with me? She would normally hug me and kiss my cheek. She didn't invite me in like usual. She didn't say anything about hanging out tomorrow. I hope we're not gonna be awkward now.

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