Chapter 29

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It feels like our friendship is fading away, and we're just holding on to a lost cause. I'm not sure if Luke still likes me, but I know for sure I like him. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way but I can't help it. Then there's the lyrics, "You can say we'll be together, someday, but nothing last forever, nothing stays the same." Luke's feelings for me can easily slip away. I don't know how long they've been building up, but it certainly seems like they're gone. Now, I just have to prepare myself for another heartbreak. And I don't know if I, and Luke and my friendship can handle it.

Nicole's P.O.V

Things have gone from bad, to worse. Luke and Holly are inseparable. Like how Luke and I used to be. They're always cuddling and holding hands. They act like a couple that doesn't kiss. Scratch that. They're always kissing each other's cheeks.

Every time Holly sees me, she makes some snide comment or remark. She's always telling me I look bad or some shit like that. She's even taking it to a level of pushing me.

Now, she's on to the point where she tells me crap, in front of Luke. And he doesn't say anything. He just lets her do whatever she pleases. I don't fight back with her. For the sake of Luke.

Right now, I'm laying in my bunk, just thinking about everything. I don't see how Luke can be so oblivious and not realize we hate Holly. And now every time I see Adam, he mouths 'fix it', out right tells me to get on with it, or just gives me a look.

I finally decided to get up and make breakfast for everyone. So I pulled back the curtain back, and climbed out of my bunk. Once I stood up, I stretched and made my way towards the front of the bus. I opened the cabinets and pulled out the ingredients for pancake batter. I then went in the fridge and grabbed the bacon and maple syrup.

I got to work on the pancakes, then started grilling up the bacon. Once I had enough food for everyone, I put it on the table and set the table. I got out everyone's drinks, except Holly because the bitch can never decide what she wants.

"Guys! Wake up!" When I got nothing in response, I added, "I made breakfast!" Everyone practically flew out of their bunks. Holly and Luke were the last two out. Holly looked at me and scoffed.

"You look disgusting. Go change or something. And as for your face, well, I guess you can't really fix that mess." I rolled my eyes and watched as she passed me, purposely shoving my shoulder.

I turned my attention back to the blonde boy, but all he did was walk passed me. No 'good morning', no smile, not even a glance.

I sighed and followed them back to the lounge. I took my seat, and everyone payed compliments on the food. I started to eat when I noticed the bitch staring warily at the food. She then looked at me and squinted her eyes.

"What is this?" She asked, pointing to the food.

Everyone looked at her. "Pancakes and bacon." I replied, in a 'duh' tone.

"I can't eat this. Too many calories. Get me some fruit or something." Holly commanded me.

It was my turn to scoff. "We don't have any fruit. You can eat that or don't eat at all."

She rolled her eyes and took a pancake on her plate. She picked up her fork and cut herself a piece. She ate it, then placed the fork down and pushed the plate away.

"That's disgusting."

Three of the four boys turned to her and looked at her with disgust evident on their face. "What are you talking about? The food is amazing." Calum smiled at me.

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