Chapter 22

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That was the first time Nic and I spoke all tour. The group tried other things to get us to talk like forcing us to sit next to each other, watching our favorite movies, putting us on the same team when we played games. Nothing worked.

And I'm getting really scared that I may truly have lost Nicole forever.

<Two Weeks Later>

Luke's P.O.V

Tour has been so great. Word about our band is really spreading. But, sadly, tour comes to an end in one week. We literally get back just as summer break starts. So, that's a plus for us. Well, me and the girls at least. Being Ashton graduated, and Cal and Mikey dropped out, it doesn't really matter what time of year it is. They never have to go to school again. Lucky arses.

Nothing has changed between me and Nicole. We're still ignoring each other. She's still giving me death glares. Her and Booby are still together.

But, I would soon find out that would all change today.


"IT'S CURRENTLY 9:30. TIME FOR YOU LOT TO WAKE UP!" Ashton scream, as he banged pots together.

I woke up and rubbed the exhaustion out of my eyes. I, then stupidly, went to sit up and smacked my head into the bunk above mine.

"Ow." I groaned in pain, as I rubbed my head. The curtains to my bunk opened and I turned to see Calum with a mischievous grin on his face.

"You did it again?" He asked, with a smirk slowly making its way onto his face.

I just nodded in response. Calum was now full on smirking as he said, "That's the twelfth time all tour."

I squinted my eyes at him with a frown presently on my face. "Your counting?"

"Yup. It's funny." He said, popping the 'p'.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him. "Move so I can get up."

He smirked again and moved. "Don't fall out of the bunk."

"That was one time!" I called to him as he walked to the kitchen area. I got laughing in response.

I got out of my bunk and shut the curtain. Then, I made my way to where everyone was already awake and waiting.

I sat down next to Mikey on the end of the table. "Morning." I said.

I got a chorus of 'morning's in return, except for from one person, obviously.

Ashton walked over to the table and placed a plate of toast in front of everyone. He then placed down a jar of Vegemite, and a jar of Nutella.

"Toast, really?" Mikey complained.

Ashton sat down and turned to Michael. "It's my specialty."

"No, broccoli is your specialty." Nicole and I accidentally said in unison.

Everyone then had small, amused smiles on their faces. Nicole glanced at me, but looked away as soon as she saw me staring. She didn't smile or anything. She just looked down and ate her food. Typical.

Soon enough, we all finished breakfast. It wasn't until then that I found out mum had went out early in the morning to take pictures of the sunrise. And she wouldn't be back for awhile because she always goes sightseeing afterwards. My mum is really into photography, and she's good at it, too.

Calum washed the dishes, as the rest of us stayed put. Once he was finished, he joined us at the table again.

Ashton clapped his hands and we all turned to him. Except Nicole, who was staring down at her phone. "What are we going to do today?" He asked no one in particular. He glanced at all of us, waiting for an answer.

"How about bowling? We haven't went bowling in a while." Ashley finally responded.

We all answered with a 'yes', except Nicole (again) who's still looking down at her phone. Maia nudged her. "What about you, Nicole?"

Nicole looked up with a blank expression on her face. "I'm not really feeling well. I'm gonna stay on the bus." She said.

"You sure?" Ashley asked.

Nicole just nodded in response.

"Do you want us to bring you some medicine or anything?" Ashley asked.

"No, it's okay. Go, have fun guys." Nicole got up and went to her bunk without another word.

We all shrugged and got ready to go. Once we were all dressed and ready, we headed for the local bowling alley Michael found on google.

We got there and rented our shoes. We headed for an end lane, where there was really no one around. This way, we can be as loud as we want.

We all walked over to where the bowling balls were. Everyone started to pick up different ones to see which fit their liking. This reminded me of what Nicole used to do. She never cared how much the ball weighed, she always went for which one looked the nicest. There were a couple occasions where she would end up picking a ball that was too heavy for her, only because it looked nice. I would then switch with her, so she didn't have as much trouble bowling.

I quickly picked a blue ball and went over to the lane. We put names into the machine and decided to put nicknames in.

This was the results:

Me- Penguin
Calum- Fruity Pebbles (because he's part kiwi.)
Michael- Gamer
Ashton- Daddy (we insisted he put that, much to his dismay.)
Ashley- Cal's Girl (Calum insisted she put that.)
Maia- Ninja (because she's always sneaking around and getting information.)
Emily- Mike's Mind (because she's always on his mind.)

We were all pretty glad there was no limit on how long the name could be. We had decided to play girls versus boys, even though the girls were short a player. They insisted they could beat us. And they were right.

Because a couple hours and three games later, they had beat us in two out of three games. We were about to start another game, when I realized I left my phone on the bus.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath. "Guys, I'm going back to the bus. I left my phone there. Continue playing, I'll be back soon. Just let me know if you're going somewhere else and I'll meet you there." I said to no one in particular.

I removed myself from the machine and left the bowling alley. I made my way towards the bus and walked in. I went to my bunk, opened the curtain and grabbed my phone. I quickly shut the curtain, and as I turned to leave, I heard muffled sobs coming from one of the bunks towards the back. And there's only one person that could be.

Word Count: 1123 words

A/N cliffhanger. Sorry guys xD.
I'm gonna write the next chapter, then post it in a little while.

What do you think is going to happen?

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye ☺️

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