Chapter 26

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I just coed at her, and kept her in my arms as we pulled away from the hug. She may have been out of arms reach for a whole year, but that doesn't mean my feeling have changed at all for her.

Nicole's P.O.V

(Just an FYI, the rest of Just Saying, unless noted otherwise, will be in Nic's P.O.V)

"I call top bunk."



"Wait!" We all looked towards Ashton, who was holding his hands out to stop our bickering.

"How about, we let the girls get the bottom bunks, and we take the top. So that they don't struggle. No offense, girls." Ashton said, giving us a sweet smile.

Michael face turned bright red as he bursted into laughter. We gave him questioning looks, confused as to why he was laughing. Waiting for a response, Michael slowly calmed down.

"Yeah, give the girls the bottom bunks." He simply said.

We glanced around at each other and gave Michael a funny look. "Is that all you were laughing about?" Calum asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"No. It's because I was thinking we should give them the bottom bunk. Because that's where they belong. On the bottom." He said, bursting into laughter again.

The girls and I walked up to Michael and smacked the back of his head. He groaned in pain and mumbled an apology.

Once the bunk situation was settled, and everyone was unpacked, we all crashed in the lounge in the back. Maia, Ashton, Calum, and Ashley were on the biggest couch, Emily and Michael sat on one of the double couches and Luke and I sat at the other.

I was sitting between Luke's legs, and he had his arms securely wrapped around my waist. Since we came four day ago, he hasn't really let me out of his sight. In fact, he hasn't even gone a minute without having any sort of physical contact with me.

The house the boys were living in only had three guest rooms, so Luke automatically volunteered himself to share his room with me. When I offered to sleep on the floor, he quickly convinced me to sleep in the bed and he'd take the floor. I, obviously, didn't want him spending his last days before tour sleeping on the floor, so I told him he could sleep in the bed with me.

Any other times, he would always sit by me when we were just hanging around, or when I went to walk by him to take another seat, he would pull me on his lap. When we went out (the few time) he would take my hand or wrap his arm around my shoulder. Even when we were eating, he would (obviously) sit next to me and make our knees touch, or he would place one hand on my knee.

Which, I didn't really mind any of this. I thought it was pretty cute. It's like he's afraid I'd disappear if he wasn't holding me in any way.

"Hey, we could use the two extra bunks for storage." Michael said, out of nowhere.

"We can't, Adam said one is for the times my mum comes to stay with us. And the other is there if for any reason we can't sleep in our own bunk." Luke said, or more like mumbled into my shoulder.

Calum turned on the television and started channel surfing, looking for something to watch. Someone's phone started ringing, and we all looked around. Luke sheepishly smiled, and gently moved me next to him to take out his phone. He intertwined our hands as he answered the phone, without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" Luke greeted into the phone.

"Hi Lukey." I could faintly hear a girl's voice say into the phone.

Luke smiled and released my hand, while slightly turning away from me. My hand was left feeling cold and empty, with nothing but the tingling sensation from his hand left behind.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion watching as Luke's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

"Hi Holly. How are you?"

I couldn't hear her response, but I wanted to know who she is, and why she's calling Luke.

"We'll be in your city for a show tomorrow and the day after that."


"Yeah, that'd be cool. And I can get you a pass to get backstage."


"Okay, see you tomorrow. Bye."

Luke hung up the phone with a big smile on his face, and a very evident blush on his cheeks. Who is this Holly, and why is she having such an effect on Luke? Not that I really care, I'm just looking out for him.

Maia looked at me with a suspicious look, then turned to Luke. "Who was that?"

The blush on his cheeks deepened, and his smile widened. "That was Holly. We met her about four months after moving to London. She lives about two hours out of London and was in visiting the city." He said, his smile not fading.

"She's also Luke's crush." Michael said, while rolling his eyes along with Ash and Cal. Luke didn't notice.

Crush? I thought Luke liked me? Not that it mattered, considering we're just best friends. But, why do I have this weird feeling bubbling in my stomach?

"Why did she call?" Calum asked, clearly not interested, but tried acting it for Luke's sake.

"She's coming to our show tomorrow." He said, the blush returning to his cheeks.

"Hey Nicole, didn't you want to show me that thing?" Maia said, raising an eyebrow at me.

I gave her a confused look. And just as I was about to question her, she gave me a stern look.

"Oh. Yeah. That thing. Yeah, let's go." I walked out, with her following close behind. Once we were out of the lounge, Maia hit the bottom to shut the door. I made my way to the kitchen and took a seat in the booth. She walked over and stood at the end of the table.

Maia put her hands on her hips and stared at me. "What's up?"

"What?" I asked, sincerely confused.

"Well," she paused, continuing to examine me. "You looked upset when Luke let go of your hand, kinda mad when he said a girl's name, and jealous when Michael said that the chick is his crush." She said, and took a seat across from me.

Jealous? I'm not jealous. "Yes you are." She said.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"Yeah, and you are totally jealous."
She said, smirking at me.

"No, I'm not. Why would I be jealous?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because, Luke likes another girl."

"Okay?" I asked, though I was feeling that strange feeling in my gut again.

"You like him." She stated.

"Oh, hell nah. We are not going into the usual argument. He is just my best friend. He likes me, but I don't like him like that." When I said that, I had a flashback of the night Luke and I kissed. Not only was it my first kiss, it was his too.

"Okay, deny all you want. Just you wait till this Holly chick shows up tomorrow night. Jealous Nicole will be making her first ever appearance." Maia smirked, as she stood up and walked back to the lounge leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts. Which were weirdly all about Luke.

Word Count: 1238 words

A/N surprise update. I will be updating again tomorrow morning as well. And there may be one to two Luke P.O.V's mixed in (in future chaps), but I'm not sure. I know for a fact the rest of the book will be in Nicole's P.O.V.

Holly, what do you think of her already?

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye 😋

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