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The little girl held tightly onto her mother and father's hands. She was scared, she may be only three, but she knew this place was unfamiliar to her.

Suddenly the door opened, there stood a blonde lady, looking very friendly.

"Hi, my name is Maria, this is my husband Tom, and daughter Nicole. We're your new neighbors." The little girl's mom said in a sweet voice.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Liz, come in, I'll introduce you to my family." The lady said in an accent that was unfamiliar to the little girl.

The little girl didn't know it, but her family had just moved all the way from California, to Sydney, Australia.

Her and her parents walked into the living room, and took a seat. The house was pretty, it wasn't hard for even a little three year old to realize this.

Out of nowhere, three young boys came running out. One being ten years old, one being six, and the other, standing out to little Nicole the most, a fellow three year old. Then, who she assumed was the boys' father, walked in as well.

"Hello, I'm Andrew, Liz's husband. Welcome to the neighborhood. These are my sons, Ben." He paused and pointed to the ten year old. "Jack." He pointed to the six year old. "And this little one is-" He was interrupted by a small voice.

"Hi, I'm Luke." The youngest had walked up to the little girl, who he had recognized to be his age.

"Hi, I'm Nicole. You talk funny." The little girl giggled.

"No, you talk funny." The little boy laughed along with the girl.

The adults watched the adorable little scene happening right before their eyes. The other two boys had went away, continuing with their game from earlier.

"Let's be best fwends." The young girl smiled at her new neighbor.

"Okay." He smiled right back. He then asked, "Do you wanna pway outside?"

The little girl nodded her head vigorously in excitement. The little boy stuck out his hand towards her, and she gladly excepted.

The parents cooed at them, and watched as their children walked outside, hand-in-hand.

That was how the story of Nicole and Luke began. At the age of 16, they're still best friends, but some things have changed...

Read "Just Saying" to find out what happens between the two best friends.
A/N hi! So, if you read my first book, "End Up Here", welcome back. If you haven't, welcome! In case you have read my first book, this book is NOT related to it.

So, I hope you guys are intrigued by this prologue and continue reading. If you do continue, enjoy and thanx! If you don't, that's cool too.

QOTD: (For those of you who don't know, that means Question Of The Day, I do one at the end of each chapter of my books).
I'll go basic, how are you?
I'm honestly pretty excited for this book.
Have a good whatever time it is (that's my really really bad catch phrase). Bye 😊

Btw, updates are not daily. Sometimes they might be.

Just Saying | L.H.Where stories live. Discover now