Chapter 25

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If you haven't done so already, comment on the previous author's note telling me which book to post.

For the second time, I'm dedicating this chapter to ItsDaniHemmings. I laughed so hard when you commented "*whispers* choose home".


It was during this chat I decided something. I care about Nicole. I really do. Obviously, I mean, I took a hell of a beating for her. But I decided I have to give her time. She had truly cared for Bobby and needs time to recover from him. I should've remembered that once Bobby was out of the picture, Nicole wasn't just gonna run into my arms. I need to wait until I think she's fully over him to try and make her mine. Until then, my heart can wait. It's been waiting for so long now, it can wait a little while longer.

Luke's P.O.V

"Let's go rollerblading."


"Let's play mini golf."

"Let's go shopping."

"Let's get pizza." All of our heads snapped towards Michael.

"Mike, we just had pizza like, half an hour ago." Ashton said slowly.

Michael nodded his head with a smile. "Yes, but you can never have enough pizza."

"Yes you can." We all said in unison. Except obviously Michael, who pouted at us.

"How about we go out for milkshakes, then we decide what to do." Emily said, causing all of us to smile and nod.

We all picked ourselves up off the grass and headed towards our local ice cream parlor. Yeah, I guess I forgot to mention we were sitting in a park, trying to figure out what to do.

We got to "Mario's Gelato" which, is conveniently located next to "Luigi's Pizza." Once we got inside, we headed for our usual booth and sent Maia and Ashton to get our milkshakes. In the mean time, we all started to argue again about what to do next.

"Here, I'll settle it. We'll get pizza." Michael said.

"We are not getting pizza!" We all screamed.

Michael crossed his arms and pouted. "There's no need to scream about it." He mumbled.

"Orders up!" Maia and Ashton said, as they started passing out everyone's milkshakes.

We started drinking and chatting, when I got a phone call. I pulled out my phone, and saw Adam, our manager, was calling me. I pressed the answer button and put my phone to my ear.

(Italics is Luke.)


"Hi Luke, where are you guys right now?" Adam asked.

"We're at Mario's Gelato. Why?"

"Okay, I'll be right there." He hung up the phone, not giving me a chance to answer.

"Who was it?" Calum asked, as I put my phone back into my pocket.

"Adam, he's apparently on his way here. I don't know why though."

A few minutes later, we heard the bell go off, and turned to see Adam walking towards us.

When he approached our booth, he placed a flyer on the table, showing One Direction's tour dates for their 'Take Me Home' tour.

"Uhh. Why are you showing us this?" Michael asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Louis Tomlinson saw your cover of 'Teenage Dirtbag' and tweeted about you guys. Their manager contacted me and said they want you guys to open for them." Adam said, with a small smile on his face.

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