Chapter 27

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"Okay, deny all you want. Just you wait till this Holly chick shows up tomorrow night. Jealous Nicole will be making her first ever appearance." Maia smirked, as she stood up and walked back to the lounge leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts. Which were weirdly all about Luke.

Nicole's P.O.V

Things have been weird since Luke's phone call yesterday. He hasn't held my hand or had any physical contact with me. Whenever I sit next to him, he scoots over to create more space between us. This morning, we decided to have a movie marathon. Luke and I usually cuddle, but he sat in the last space on the big couch. He would usually then tell me to just sit on his lap, but instead, he left me to sit alone on one of the double couches.

Now, I'm not trying to sound clingy. I just find it weird. He's not usually like this. I kinda miss cuddling with him and holding his hand. It's normal for us.

The talk about this Holly girl hasn't stopped since the call. Not only have the boys been teasing Luke about it, they've also been telling us girls how much they hate her. And Luke, he hasn't stopped talking about this girl. I'm starting to think she may be playing Luke.

We're currently backstage, waiting the arrival of the famous Holly. The boys are all messing around, as they are trying to forget their nerves. This is only their second time playing a big stadium.

A knock sounded at the door and I grew anxious. But that quickly disappeared once Adam walked through. He smiled at us, but through gritted teeth said, "Holly is here."

And she walked in. Holly. Oh boy.

"Hi Lukey." She said, and walked straight to Luke, into his open, awaiting arms.

I could feel my stomach drop, and weirdly enough, a strange feeling in my heart.

Holly is gorgeous. She has platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, about the same height as Luke, and she's only wearing like, 2 inch heels. She's nothing like me. She's not even dressed slutty. She has a cute, flower blouse on, and denim shorts.

I blinked a few times, seeing if my eyes were deceiving me. Then, she looked over at me and smiled. I returned the smile and she made her way over towards me. Once she was stood in front of me, she subtly looked me up and down.

"You're the Nicole I've heard so much about. It's so good to meet you." Holly smiled even bigger, and pulled me into a hug. I was taken back at first, but returned it none the less.

During the hug, she whispered in my ear, "Stay away from my Lukey. Or else."

My eyes widened as she pulled away and I stared at her in shock. She made her way over to Ashley, and Maia gave me a weird look, as I stood frozen in place.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to face Luke. He smiled at me, and said, "She's amazing, right?"

I knew I should've said something. But it seems he really likes her. I plastered a fake smile on for his sake. "Yeah, she's pretty great." I watched as he walked towards her, and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

I couldn't help but feel sad. That's what he always did to me. I only just met this girl, but I have a feeling Luke and my friendship is in for a big obstacle.

Maia walked over to me, grabbed my wrist, and dragged me out of the room. She took me down a couple corridors before she was sure no one would hear or see us.

"What happened? When she hugged you, you had this weird face, and now. You look like you want to crawl in a corner and cry." Maia said, crossing her arms.

I sighed. "When she hugged me, she whispered in my ear."

"What did she say?" Maia gave me a questioning look.

"Stay away from my Lukey. Or else." I said, trying to imitate her beautiful British accent.

"Wow." She said, giving me this strange look.

"Yeah." I replied, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Well, what are you going to do?" Aw asked.

"When the boys go on stage, I'm gonna tell her I don't like him like that. And that we're just best friends."

She gave me another look. "You and I both know that's a lie."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is. You're jealous and hurt. Especially when you saw him embrace her the same way he does you."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, and walked back toward their dressing room, not waiting for Maia.

When we got there, the boys were just walking out. "We gotta go on stage." Ashton said.

We all started waking with them, and when they got to the stage, they turned around. Each girl went to one of the boys, and Luke turned towards me and smiled.

"Good luck hug?" He smiled and opened his arms.

I smiled back, but when I went to walk towards him, Holly came from behind me and went straight into his arms. My smile instantly disappeared as he hugged her tightly, with a big smile on his face.

I felt tears burn my eyes, and bit my lip to prevent myself from crying. I decided to head back to heir dressing room, because I couldn't take the scene in front of me anymore.

Once I got back to the dressing room, I sat on one of the couches and quickly dried my eyes. The door opened and in walked Holly. She shut the door, and turned towards me. "Do you not understand English?"

"Look Holly, I don't like Luke like that. We're just best friends. Always have been, always will be." I shook my head at her.

"I told you before. Stay away from him. Whatever you two had, is over."

~One Week Later~

I sighed in frustration as I watched the two in front of me.

In case you're wondering, I ignored Holly's wishes, I figured I'd only have to see her for a little while longer. Boy, was I wrong.

When we went to leave her city, Luke invited her to join us on tour. The boys didn't like that, but pretended to be okay for Luke's sake. Apparently, Luke is the only one that likes Holly. Even Adam doesn't like Holly.

And, I did ignore her wishes. I still talked to Luke. So, she took matters into her own hands. Remember how I said Luke hadn't let me out of his site before his phone call with Holly? Well, she is doing what Luke had done to me.

He's spending so much time with her. It's ridiculous. I came on tour for him, I mean, them, but he doesn't seem to even care I'm here. We hadn't seen each other in so long, and according to the boys, he saw Holly very often. And yet, he's sticking to her like glue.

I shifted in my spot on the floor, and returned my attention back to the movie. Yeah, I'm stuck on the floor because Holly made sure she took up the space of two seats.

I heard Luke and Holly whispering and giggling and decided I've had enough. I checked the time and saw it was 1:38 am.

I stood up and faked a yawn. "I'm headed to bed. Night guys." I got a chorus of 'goodnight's in response and headed towards my bunk. I climbed in and shut the curtain. When I closed my eyes, trying to sleep, I heard the laughter of Luke and Holly. I decided to put my headphones on and blast "Remembering Sunday" by All Time Low on repeat. I drifted asleep to my favorite song, and with the thought of my best friend on my mind. Is it possible I like Luke?

Word Count: 1334

A/N For those of you who guessed about Holly, you were wrong. She is real. And Luke is crushing on her.
And I'm almost positive chapter 30 is gonna be the last chapter. I'll let you guys know when I know for sure.

Well, comments about the chapter?

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye 😘

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