Chapter 19

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Little did we know, that was only the beginning of a shit load to come.

<Two Weeks Later>

Luke's P.O.V

So, a lot has happened. We ended up getting a record deal, and Capital Records decided to immediately have official music videos made for Gotta Get Out (acoustic), Try Hard, Out Of My Limit, and Heartbreak Girl. That all happened throughout last week.

This past week? Well, we were preparing for a small tour around Australia. Capital Records wants to get us known, so they also booked us for a bunch of interviews.

Right now, all of us, including the girls, (yes, Nicole is actually here) are hanging out at my house. They're sleeping over because tomorrow, a tour bus is picking us up for the start of the tour. The tour will last for about a month and a half. We will end up missing the rest of the school year, we get back just as summer break starts. But it doesn't matter for Calum and Michael, they decided to drop out, seeing as the band is going somewhere. Ashton wanted to finish, seeing he is a senior. And I decided to continue, too (not like my mum would let me drop out anyway). Speaking of mum, she's coming on tour with us, since all of us are underage.

The girls are coming on tour with us since management agreed they could. They're all really excited, and Nicole spent the day with booby. Cue the eye roll.

I admit though, I miss Nic. So much. It's weird not having her around as much as I'm used to. We haven't hung out alone anymore. In fact, we haven't spoken at all. Not a word or gesture exchanged. It hurts that she picked Bobby over me.

So basically, all the couples are cuddled up. Mike decided to bring Emily, the girl he went to the Halloween dance with. They've gotten pretty close and he plans on asking her to be his girlfriend. Then, obviously Ashton is with Maia and Calum is with Ashley.

You're probably wondering where that leaves Nicole and I? Well, instead of sitting next to me, she sat in the love seat by herself, and left me on the last open couch.

We're currently finishing up our movie marathon. "Mean Girls", is the last movie and is currently finishing up.
Once it's over, mum wants us to get a good night's sleep.


<The Next Morning>

"Nicole, can I borrow your mascara, I don't feel like digging mine out."

"Sure Ashley, just go in my bag." Nicole called back from the kitchen.

Nicole is currently helping my mum clean the dishes from breakfast while Ashley is getting ready, and the rest of us are chilling in the living room.

I watched as Ashley walked over to Nicole's bag and opened it. A small smile made it's way onto my face, when I saw what Ashley pulled out from the top of the bag. There was a little plush penguin I had given Nicole when we were seven and went to an amusement park with our families. I won it for her and it's always been special to her. I didn't know/think she'd bring it.

Ashely turned to me with a knowing smile. She turned back to her task of finding the mascara when Nicole walked in. She didn't notice Ashley had taken Erik (the penguin) out of her bag. She just sat down in the love seat again and joined us in waiting for the bus to arrive.

A little while later, everyone was ready, and the tour bus had arrived. We all piled on and picked who would get what bunk. Once we were all settled, we sat down in the lounge in silence, just taking this all in. It's all real. This is the next chapter in our lives and the beginning of our journey to take over the world.

Word Count: 655 words

A/N I'm so excited for what's to come.

Have you guys gotten Future Hearts yet?
I haven't. Sadly. (As I was writing the question, Something's Gotta Give came on.) I'm saving the money I have on iTunes for when the second 5SOS album comes out.

Have a good whatever time it is.

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