Chapter 21

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We got up, and the girls followed in suit. We all followed the stage manger, and got our instruments and ear pieces. The girls wished us luck and the stage manager told us to go on. When we did, we saw a room full of fans that roared in excitement.

"Hey guys, we're 5 Seconds Of Summer."

"Hi guys, we're 5 Seconds of Summer."

And thus, the 'Hi or Hey' joke was born.

Luke's P.O.V

So, two weeks of the one and a half month tour has gone by already. It's been super crazy and fun. We've done many interviews and promos to get the word of our band spread. We've met so many amazing fans, and our fan base is now growing rapidly.

Now, one thing, hasn't been so fun. Nicole. She's still ignoring me, and I'm still ignoring her. She stays as far away from me as she can, whenever she can. Our friends have done everything to get us to talk.

Like this morning.


"Hurry up!" Someone whisper-shouted.

"Go, go, go!"


A door clicked shut, and the bus was silent.

I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them. I stretched my arms as far as they can go in the bunk and pulled the curtains back. I carefully got up and looked around. I saw Nicole getting up too, but I just ignored her. All the curtains of the occupied bunks are open. I walked to the front of the bus and didn't find anybody.

"Guys? Mum?" I called out. No response.

I walked to the door and went to open it. Locked. What. The. Fuck.

I jiggled the doorknob and it still wouldn't budge. I knocked on the door, "C'mon guys, open the door. This isn't funny."

Giggling could be heard on the other side of the door. "No can do Luke. Not until you guys make up." Ashton said between giggles.

"What?!" I jumped. I quickly turned around and saw Nicole a few steps behind me.

"You can't keep us in here. It's kidnapping." She said, and crossed her arms, even though they couldn't see her.

"No, it's not, we know you and you know us." Maia said.

"The Cops don't have to know that." Nicole fired back.

"How're you going to call the cops? We have your phones." Michael said.

"Just let us out. Liz wouldn't approve." Nicole said.

"Actually, I would, darling. I think this will be good for you two. Now, we'll be back later, and hopefully you two will be friends again. Bye kids, love yous." Mum said.

With that, the sound of many footsteps and laughing could be heard. And soon, it faded out to silence.

I turned to look at Nicole and she just brushed past me. I watched as she made a bowl of cereal and sat down. She just ate and stared at the window, not saying a word.

I silently sighed, and made a bowl of cereal for myself. I mentally debated on sitting with her, or eating right there (at the counter) and went with the second option. I finished pretty quickly and glanced at Nicole. She was just finishing up and still not looking at me.

I quickly washed my plates and put them away. I then walked over and headed towards the back room, where all the video games are.

I looked back at Nicole to find she she had just finished cleaning her plates and sat down. I sighed and stopped in my tracks. I turned around and walked towards her. I sat across from her and looked at her. She just stared at the floor.

I took a deep breath and spoke, "Don't you think it's time to make up?"

"No." She said, not even giving me a glance.

I ran my hands through my hair out of frustration. "Seriously, Nicole. I don't know what you expect me to do."

She finally looked up an gave me the deadliest glare I've ever seen. "I don't know, maybe say sorry." She snapped.

My eyes widened and my nostrils flared. "I'm not gonna say sorry for trying to protect you. It's not my fault you believe him over me."

"Why wouldn't I believe him over you?!" She raised her voice.

So I followed in suit. "I don't know. Maybe because you've only known him for a couple months, compared to years with me?!"

"Yeah? Well, maybe I didn't know you like I thought I did." Wow, that stung.

"Oh, really now?"

"Yeah, you're just a lying, pathetic, jealous jerk!"

"Lying?! I'm not the one that was seeing someone behind your back!"

"We were never together!"

"Oh, you know what I meant! I was trying to protect you!"

"No, you were trying to hurt me!"

~End of Flashback~

That's literally how the next few hours went. Because the group and my mum hadn't returned until lunch. They had to drag me and Nicole away from each other because we were still screaming our heads off, and they couldn't get us to stop.

The guys then had me stay silent for the rest of the day so I wouldn't have trouble performing.

That was the first time Nic and I spoke all tour. The group tried other things to get us to talk like forcing us to sit next to each other, watching our favorite movies, putting us on the same team when we played games. Nothing worked.

And I'm getting really scared that I may truly have lost Nicole forever.

Word Count: 920 words

A/N sorry I haven't updated in two weeks. I've been mad lazy. I'm gonna (hopefully) update again tomorrow. An "Unpredictable" update will be up shortly.

If you guys have heard of them, or checked them out, what did you think of the Brady Brothers?

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye 😁

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