Chapter 13

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I don't usually do this. But this chapter is dedicated to ItsDaniHemmings. She really wanted an update, so here it is. Enjoy. 😁


"Luke, I-I'm sorry." Nicole stuttered. My smile faded, and my confusion grew.

"I-I can't go to the dance with you." My face fell. I could feel my eyes water. Nicole turned and ran.

Everyone turned to me in shock. No one expected her to do that. We had been so excited to go. We literally talked about it all week. Nicole and I were extremely excited because our tradition of going to school dances together was back. Looks like I was wrong. This is just like every other dance since Bobby. I'm going alone. She broke tradition, again.......

Luke's P.O.V

Ashton slowed as he approached my house, then stopped when he was in front. Everyone turned to me. "Thanks Ash. Bye guys." I said quietly, as I opened the door. When I went to step out, a hand stopped me.

"Luke, don't let Nicole ruin tonight for you. You should still go to the dance. Have fun." Calum said, giving me a sympathetic look.

"You guys all have dates. I don't want to be a seventh wheel. You guys have fun, see you tomorrow." I went to step out again, when I was once again stopped.

"Is the plan still on for tomorrow?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. Even though she hurt me, I don't want her getting hurt by Bobby."

"You're a good friend, Luke. We'll talk to her." Ashley gave me a sad smile.

"Don't bother. Bobby probably said something to her to change her mind." When I said that Maia had a weird look on her face. I couldn't tell what she was feeling though. Anger, sympathy, no. Guilt?

"Bye guys." I finally got out, and made it to my front door. I turned and waved, but nobody saw. I could see them all talking. It looks as if the boys are yelling. Weird.

I unlocked the door and walked in. I set my backpack down by the door, and went to go upstairs. My mum must've heard me because she walked over to the stairs.

"Hey Luke, where's the group?"

"We decided not to hang out."

"Oh, well I put the flowers you asked me to get for Nicole for the dance on your bed."

"I'm not going to the stupid dance!" I exclaimed and ran upstairs. I ran into my room and slammed my door.

And there everything was. The stupid costume. The stupid ticket. And the stupid flowers.

I walked over to my desk and sat down. I rested my head on my arms, and couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I feel so pathetic and stupid. I'm a sixteen year old boy crying over a stupid girl. Well, I wouldn't say stupid girl. Because Nicole isn't just another girl. She's everything I ever wanted. She's probably the only girl I'll ever want, and the only girl I can never have.

I finally stopped the tears, and decided to listen to music. What was the first song to come on? "Therapy" by All Time Low. Perfect.

I ended up skipping dinner, and just listened to music for hours. Well, more like listening to "Therapy" on repeat.

I can really-

Tap Tap

What the?

Tap Tap

I walked over to the window and opened it. I looked down, and saw something I wasn't expecting. Looking up at me, was a smiling Nicole in the costume for the dance.

"So I know the plan was for you to pick me up, but I decided to change things up." She said, the smile on her face not fading away.

I gave her a confused look. "I thought you didn't want to go to the dance anymore?"

She sighed. "I'm sorry. I got some wrong information and freaked out." She pursed her lips and continued. "If the offer is still up, I'd like to go with you."

I looked at her, and couldn't stop the smile from growing on my face. "Of course it's still up. Just let me get ready."

Nicole giggled and gave me a thumbs up. "Okay. I'm gonna wait on your porch."

"You might wanna come in. My mum's gonna want pictures. You know her."

She chuckled. "Okay, I'll be waiting for you downstairs."

"Okay." I closed the window and pumped my fists in the air. NICOLE IS GOING TO THE DANCE WITH ME! YES!

I put on my costume and fixed up my hair. Other people would feel stupid, but I don't. I'm going in matching costumes to the dance with my dream girl.

I picked up the flowers and waddled down stairs. Waiting for me, was Nicole and my mum. Mum had a camera in hand, and a big smile on her face.

I went over to Nicole and held out the flowers. "I got these for you."

The smile on her face grew. "Aww! Luke, you didn't have to." She grabbed the flowers and hugged me. I got the usual tingly feeling when she hugged me.

"Okay, get together you two." My mum said as she had her camera ready for pictures.

Nicole and I stood next to each other. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and she wrapped her free arm around my waist.

After my mum took a couple photos she smiled. "You two are free to go. Have fun."

"Um, can we have a ride? The guys think we're not going." I asked my mum as I awkwardly stood there.

"Of course, get in the car."

A/N NICOLE CHANGED HER MIND!! Anyway, next chapter will be the dance. I decided to update because I have a snow day today.

What do you think Nicole and Luke are dressed as?

I also am gonna post the prologue for "Unpredictable". I already have it written, so it's going up right after I post this.

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye 😊

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