Chapter 16

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"We're 5 Seconds Of Summer! Thank you and good night!" Ashton said, and we all ran off stage. There, the girls were waiting for us. Well, Maia and Ashely. Nic is gone. Great.

Nicole's P.O.V

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. As soon as the song finished, I ran out. I couldn't stay. I didn't want to believe it, but I have to. Luke's my best friend. He wouldn't lie to me. Even if he has a stupid little crush on me.


His crush. What if he only wrote this to break Bobby and I up. Did he think I would run to him then? No. I don't like him. That must be it! He wrote this stupid song to try to make me break up with Bobby and get with him.

Well, your silly plan didn't work, Luke. All you did was lost your best friend.

\(•_•)/ (A/N I just put this here to separate the P.O.V change a bit. Like it?)

Luke's P.O.V

"Do you know where Nic went?" I asked the girls as we approached them.

"No, she just ran off without a word." Ashley said.

"I think she ran to go break up with Bobby." Maia said, confidently.

"I hope so." I sighed.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Even though I knew it wasn't, I still hoped it was Nicole.

"Don't worry, Luke. That's why she ran off. She went to go dump his ass. Then if you give her some time, you can swoop in and save your princess." Calum said, sympathetically.

"Yeah, I guess. But when I get home, I'm gonna check on her. She might need a shoulder to cry on." I said.
And boy was I wrong.......


"Thanks Ash. Bye guys." I said, as I waved.

I got a chorus of 'bye's and 'bye Luke's in return. I opened the front door and walked in. I proceeded to go up to my room and lock the door. This way, my mum will think I'm sleeping.

I crawled out my window and onto Nicole's balcony. (A/N she has a balcony right? Lol I forgot xD)

I knocked on her balcony doors, preparing for the worst. The worst being her hair a mess, her beautiful eyes red and puffy, and her cheeks stained with tears.

The door opened, and I wasn't prepared for what a got. Nicole looked perfectly fine. Except for one thing. She is fuming with anger.

A/N sorry for the (EXTREMELY) short chapter. I thought this would be a good place to end. You know, another cliffhanger. I promise I'll update again sometime later. Idk how late tho bc I'm going to the ceremony of a wedding (not the reception, I wasn't invited) then I'm going to my school's play.

If you were Nicole, how would have you reacted to the song?

GUYS, JS IS GONNA HIT 1k TODAY!! But I'll make a special authors note for that. So if you see I update sooner than later, it's just that.

Have a good whatever time it is. Oh yeah, please don't hate on Nicole. Lol, even though I want to myself. Bye 😘

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