Chapter 14

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***Please read A/N at end***


Nicole and I stood next to each other. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and she wrapped her free arm around my waist.

After my mum took a couple photos she smiled. "You two are free to go. Have fun."

"Um, can we have a ride? The guys think we're not going." I asked my mum as I awkwardly stood there.

"Of course, get in the car."

Luke's P.O.V

"Thanks mum." I said, leaning into the passenger's side window.

"Your welcome. If you guys need a ride home, you can call me." Mum smiled at me.

"Okay, bye." I walked over to Nicole and smiled. "Everyone is probably in the gym already."

"Okay, then let's go." Nicole smiled at me.

We walked into the school, and headed for the gym. You could hear the music from the entrance of the school. And they had the hallway leading to the gym all decorated too. I think it was supposed to be like a haunted house, but it's really not scary.

Nicole and I walked into the gym, and there was a variety of costumes. There was the usual ghosts and witches. Then there were the slutty witches and nurses. There was ninja turtles, cats, clowns, horror movie characters, Spongebob (there's literally like 4 of them), and the usual one kid in a banana suit.

I looked around and spotted the group by the snack table. Of course they're near the food.

Ashton and Maia are dressed as a jar of Vegemite and toast. Ashton is the Vegemite, of course. It probably took him a lot of convincing to get Maia to dress up as toast.

Calum and Ashley are a doctor and a nurse. Thankfully, Ashley isn't dressed as a slutty nurse. I'm honestly not sure if Cal would've been against it, or encouraged it.

Michael and his date Emily are Robin and Starfire from the Teen Titans. I'm not surprised by any of their costumes.

I turned to Nicole and she turned to me. "Ready to surprise them?"

"Yup." She said, popping the 'p'.

We waddled over to them and they turned around. "Nicole!"

"Of course you guys would come as penguins." Michael said, as he put his arm around Emily.

"Well it's both our favorite animals, so why not?" Nicole smiled.

"Let's dance." Ashton said. He then grabbed Maia's hand and dragged her to the dance floor. The rest of us followed.

After an hour and a half of dancing, they started to announce the costume awards. I zoned out until it got to the couples awards. They have three of them; most creative, cutest, and best.

"And the winner of the most creative couples costumes are......Ashton and Maia as a jar of Vegemite and toast."
Our principal, Mrs. Thompson, smiled and held these little trophies for Maia and Ashton.

We turned to them and saw Ashton dragging Maia to the stage, literally. When Ashton got her up the stairs, he gave her a push to get her to Mrs. Thompson.

"Congratulations, you two." Principal Thompson smiled.

"Thank you!" Ashton smiled widely. He nudged Maia and she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, thanks." They walked off stage and back over to us.

"The winner of the cutest couple award.......Nicole and Luke as penguins!"

Nicole and I turned to each other and hugged. We then walked over to the stage to get our trophies. We thanked principal Thompson and went back to the group.

"Finally, the winner for the best couples costume award is........Taylor and John as superman and superwoman." Taylor and John are the most popular kids in our grade. So, it was obvious they'd win the best couple award.

After they walked back off stage, a slow song started. I turned to Nicole and smiled. "May I have this dance?" I asked, and held out my flipper.

She giggled and put her flipper on top. "Of course you may."

We walked to an open area. I put my hands on her waist and she put her's around my neck. We swayed to the music. I looked down at Nicole and she looked back at me. I couldn't stop myself from closing my eyes and slowly leaning in. My lips slowly connected with her's, and to my surprise, she didn't pull away. In fact, she kissed back.

A/N HOLY SHIT!! I have the biggest smile on my face. Afshodoebj. Bet you didn't see that coming. 😉

What do you think is gonna happen next chapter?

Sorry, you guys are gonna have to wait till next week for the next update. Maybe, the middle of the week. But not this weekend again because I have to do an English and social studies project.

***Would you guys want a character ask? A character ask is when you ask a character a question. Or sometimes people just comment something to the character.***

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye 😁

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