Chapter 2

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A/N That's Bobby


Let me tell you a little about the lovely couple. Again, note the sarcasm. So it all started...

Luke's pov

It all started at the beginning of the school year, towards the end of January. Nicole and I are in year ten, while Bobby is in year twelve.

I remember the day they met like it was yesterday.


"I seriously can't believe we're in year ten already." Nicole said. Or should I say repeated. That's all she's been talking about. But it's really cute when she rambles.

"I know, it feels like just yesterday we were only starting year 6. Now were in our second year of high school." I turned my head and smiled at her. She returned the gesture, but someone bumped into her.

The guy quickly grabbed her arms so she wouldn't fall. He had a smirk on his face, like he was impressed with who he bumped. But he quickly changed that to a fake apologetic smile when Nicole looked at him.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Nicole said.

"Nah it's ok. Totally my fault. I was just distracted by your beauty and didn't see I was about to bump into you." He said, flirting with her.

Of course Nicole blushed and smiled at him. "The name's Bobby." He said, holding out his hand to her.

She gladly accepted and replied, "Nicole." He repeated her name, than had a small smirk on. Nicole didn't notice yet again, since he replaced it with a smile.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I gotta get to class though. You should sit with me at lunch. Get to know each other?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, y-yeah sure." She stuttered, getting all shy.

That just caused him to have his quick smirk again. He then replied, "Later Nicole." Bobby winked at her, and walked away, leaving Nicole all flustered.

^End of Flashback^

Long story short, Nicole dragged me to eat lunch with them. He told us about himself, and apparently, she liked it. Me, I kept noticing all these little things he did. Showing he didn't really care for Nicole, he just thought she was another pretty face he could mess with.

I told her, to protect her as her best friend. We ended up arguing and she said he's a good guy, I just need to get to know him. But she doesn't notice the things he does.

Now, they hadn't started dating right away. He "got to know her" more. And by that, I mean he flirted with her, but she took it as complements.

When Valentine's Day came, I was finally going to ask her to be my valentine, and take her to the dance. But guess what. I show up at her locker with a bouquet of red roses, to see Bobby has one daisy, and asked her to be his valentine and date.

She, of course, said yes. I couldn't go to my locker to throw the flowers in there, so I threw them out. For the rest of the day, I was heart broken and ignored Nicole. Wanna hear the worst part? She didn't even notice. Why? Bobby was too busy stealing my best friend.

Every year, we had a tradition where we spent Valentine's Day togther, and called it "Forever alone...with your best friend Day." She broke tradition. She hadn't acknowledged me the whole day. According to Ashley and Maia, she hung out with him after school, and he took her on a date.

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