Chapter 12

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I put my phone down and just zoned out. The guys said they can see Nic likes me. Nicole likes me. But what if they're not right. I mean, I can clearly see she loves Bobby. I'm her best friend. It's easy for me to tell. Nicole loves Bobby, not me. Right?

Luke's P.O.V

Today is Friday. The day of the dance. Nicole is my date. Well, I guess not date, but we are going together. That's something, right?

Right now, I'm waiting at my locker for Nicole and the crew. We're all going to hang out at my house until we need to get ready. Then, I'll pick Nicole up at seven.

"Hey Luke!" Michael called. I turned towards him and saw only the boys walking towards me.

"Hey guys. Where's the girls?" I asked, looking for any hint of emotion in their faces.

They all glanced at each other worriedly. Then Ashton finally spoke up. "They are talking."

My eyes widen, thinking of what they might be talking about. "They aren't telling her yet right? That wasn't part of the plan. They need to stick to the plan." I said quickly.

"No, we don't think they're telling her."
Calum said, and readjusted his backpack.

"What are they talking about?"

"Nicole was acting weird, so they're trying to get it out of her. They want to know what happened." Michael said.

"It was probably Bobby."


Nicole's P.O.V (OOOH! Bet you didn't see that coming. Don't expect it again...for awhile.)

"It was probably Bobby." Maia said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, otherwise she wouldn't act so off. " Ashley agreed.

I crossed my arms and leaned back on the wall. The fumes are really strong in here, but there's nothing I can do about it.

In case you're wondering what I'm talking about, Maia and Ashley locked me in the janitor's closet. I can see them through the door on the window and they can see me. They refuse to let me out until I tell them what happened.

"So Nicole, you ready to tell us what happened?" Maia asked, I could tell she's getting agitated with me.

"I'm telling you, nothing happened. I'm fine!" I exclaimed. I just want out of here.

"Come on. Just tell us. You can trust us." Ashley said gently.

"Nothing happened. Bobby didn't do anything. I'm fucking fine. Let me out, please." I lied.

Yes, it was Bobby. Sort of. I saw him kiss some girl's cheek. I know I can't tell the crew because they'll tell me he's cheating. Luke will get extremely pissed off like he always does when Bobby does something. But I know Bobby's not cheating, that was just a friendly gesture. I'm sure of it. I always kiss Luke's cheek and that's just a friendly gesture. Bobby's not cheating. He loves me. (A/N that's what she thinks.)

"Whatever he did this time, just leave him. He's a fucking douchebag. Just get with Luke. We all know you like each other." Maia said.

"I don't fucking like Luke. He's my best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. He will always only be my best friend." I snapped.

I'm so tired of hearing that. The girls say it so often. Even Calum confronted me today and asked. I don't like Luke. We've been best friends since we were three. Yes, sometimes we act like a couple, but that's just normal for us. We've literally held hands since we were three. Those little gestures will never be more than friendly.

Even if I did like Luke, which I don't, it's not like he likes me. I can tell he really a likes another girl. He won't tell me who she is, which is okay. He's more shy and quiet about things. We look at each other like best friends. He doesn't like me. I'm sure of it.

"You're so oblivious." Maia said.
What? Did I say that all out loud?

"Yes, you did." Ashley said.

"Can you let me out now?" I asked, changing the subject.

"He so likes you. You're just so oblivious. He looks at you the way you look at Bobby." Maia said.

No. He doesn't like me. Right?

"Please, just let me out." I begged.

I heard the door unlock, and the knob jiggled. Then the door opened to Maia and Ashley.

"Come on, the guys are waiting for us." Maia said.

We head for my locker and found them all waiting there. "Hey guys." I said and smiled at them.

I subtly watched Luke's reaction more. His eyes lit up when he saw me. His cheeks grew a slight pink color, and his smile grew a bit. No. No. No. He can't like me. What do I do? Think Nicole, think.

"Luke, I-I'm sorry." I paused, and he looked at me confused.

"I-I can't go to the dance with you." His face fell and I knew that was my cue to leave.

I turned and ran. Literally. I feel bad, he looked heartbroken. My best friend likes me. That's just fucking great.


Luke's P.O.V

"Luke, I-I'm sorry." Nicole stuttered. My smile faded, and my confusion grew.

"I-I can't go to the dance with you." My face fell. I could feel my eyes water. Nicole turned and ran.

Everyone turned to me in shock. No one expected her to do that. We had been so excited to go. We literally talked about it all week. Nicole and I were extremely excited because our tradition of going to school dances together was back. Looks like I was wrong. This is just like every other dance since Bobby. I'm going alone. She broke tradition, again.......

A/N 😭 Poor Lukey! And please don't hate on Nicole.

What do you think is gonna happen next chapter?

I'm telling you guys now, the updates for this are going to be weekly. There may be times when I surprise you guys and post. But for the most part, it will be once a week, usually the weekends.

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye 😁

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