Chapter 24

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It was at that moment, I realized something so important. My best friend, was having her first real heartbreak. I love her, I have to be there for her. She means the world to me. She is my world. And I have to fix her heart. And one more thing I realized? When we get home from tour, I'm gonna kick Bobby's arse.

Luke's P.O.V

We stepped off the bus one by one. Once Maia stepped off the last step, she opened her arms wide and screamed, "WE'RE HOME BITCHES!"

We all laughed, then made our way inside my house. All of our families were waiting with two big banners. One read: "Congratulations" and the other read: "Welcome Home."

We went our separate ways to our own families and were each greeted with big hugs. My mum received hugs as well, seeing as she was gone with us.

Once everyone settled down, we all made our way to my backyard. My dad decided to have a big barbecue. The adults gathered at the table, while us kids (including my brothers, Ashton's siblings, Lauren and Harry, and Calum's sister Mali) gathered around the fire pit, which is currently off.

We all socialized until the food was ready, then socialized some more afterwards. When it began to get late, the families decided to head home. Soon enough, it was just our usual group around the active fire pit.

"I can't believe our first tour is over already." Michael sighed.

"Yeah, but it was an amazing experience." Ashton said, happily.

"You guys did amazing. We're proud of you." Nicole spoke for the girls. Maia and Ashley nodded in agreement.

"Hey, did you officially break up with Bobby?" Maia asked, causing all of our heads to turn to Nic.

Everyone was suspicious when I hadn't went back to the bowling alley. So when they came back to the bus and found Nicole and I asleep in each other's arms, they took many pictures, and decided to let us sleep. Once we woke up though, we were bombarded with questions.

Nicole first told them we made up, and they cheered like crazy. Once they had quieted down, she told them about Bobby. I could tell not only did they fake shock, but they also were trying so hard not to cheer. Because let's face it, if I hadn't found Nicole crying when she told me he cheated, I probably would've cheered.

"Yeah, I did. Once I calmed down I called him and broke it off." Nicole said, distracting me from my thoughts.

"How'd he take it?" Ashley asked.

Nicole opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by her phone ringing.

"There's your answer. He hasn't stopped calling and texting me." She said, rolling her eyes.

I turned to her, since she is sitting right next to me, and held my hand out. "Give me your phone."

She reluctantly handed me her phone, and watched as I hit the answer button. I brought the phone up to me ear and listened.

"Babe. I'm so sorry. I promise I didn't cheat. That girl was just stupid and meant to put a space between boy and friend. But she forgot. I promise. I would never do that. I love you." Bobby pleaded.

I scoffed. "That's the biggest lie I've ever heard."

"Lyle? What the fuck? Why do you have my girlfriend's phone?"

"First, it's Luke. Second, ex-girlfriend's phone, she broke up with you. Third, I'm telling you to fuck off and leave her alone. We know you've cheated. It's obvious. Especially because of the passionate kiss you and your other girlfriend shared. You hurt Nicole and if you keep bothering her, I'll beat your arse."

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