Chapter 18

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Sorry I haven't updated guys. I was busy with school work. Then from this past Thursday to this morning, I was in Pennsylvania. This might be short. Idk, I'll see when I'm done.


When we got to school, guess who had to be hanging out right by the entrance. Nicole with Bobby and his group of friends. This is gonna be a long day.

Luke's P.O.V

Like I said, it was a long day. All day, I was getting glares from Nicole, and smirks from Bobby. Like I thought, Nic ignored me all day. She didn't even eat lunch with us. She was with Bobby.

The guys insisted again that we show Nicole the pictures, but I told them not to. I seriously don't think she'll believe us. Which sucks.

This is literally how the rest of the week went by. But then, everything changed. It was Saturday morning:


"Luke! Ashton's here to pick you up!" My mum called.

I looked at the mirror once last time and quickly fixed my beanie. Then I walked out of the bathroom and downstairs. I saw Ashton chatting with my mum so I walked over to them.

"Okay, let's go. See you later, mum." I said.

"Bye Luke, bye Ash!" My mum called to us as we headed for his car. In his car already was Calum in the front, and Nicole in the back. We're headed to Mike's house for band practice. Maia and Ashley can't make it.

I stopped walking and Ashton noticed. He stopped and turned to me. "What's wrong?"

"Can Cal sit in the back?" I asked, as I quickly glanced behind Ash and saw Nicole looking down at her phone.

Ashton caught my glance and sighed. "Luke, I know you guys aren't speaking right now-"

"Correction, she's ignoring me." I interrupted.

He rolled his eyes and gave me a serious look. "Sit next to her and be civil. You never know, maybe she'll say hi."

Well, he was wrong. When I got in the car, Nicole didn't even glance at me. She just continued texting on her phone.

We pulled up to Michael's house and I rushed out of the car. It was too awkward for me. Ash, Cal, and Nic quickly caught up and we walked over and into Mike's garage.

Mike was sat on one of the couches tuning his guitar. He turned around and smiled at us.

We all quickly set up and got ready at our designated places. "Any requests?" Calum asked Nicole.

Nic thought for a second, then a light bulb went off on her head. A small smirk became present on her face. "Me Without You, All Time Low."

A dig. At me. Nicole's doing great at acting civil. Note the sarcasm.

We went over who would sing what parts and began.

Do you feel like something's missing,
when your skin is pressed to mine?
I would whisper you a riot if you'd listen,
to the sound that you've ignored a thousand times...

'Cause I am only me when I'm without you,

All I ever wanted was a part of you that I couldn't break,
a piece of you that I couldn't take apart, but we're in pieces now,
and all you ever wanted was a part of me that I couldn't fake,
I never made it easy to shape my heart, but it's not beating now,
I have to let you down...

There is ice in place of answers,
and a cold that chills the bones,
When September came and went without an answer,
we were left to Fall for Winter on our own...

Now I am only me when I'm without you,

All I ever wanted was a part of you that I couldn't break,
a piece of you that I couldn't take apart, but we're in pieces now,
and all you ever wanted was a part of me that I couldn't fake,
I never made it easy to shape my heart, but it's not beating now,
I have to let you down...

('Cause I am only me, when I am without you,
yeah I am only me when I am without you...)

All I ever wanted was a part of you that I couldn't break,
a piece of you that I couldn't take apart, but we're in pieces now,

All I ever wanted was a part of you that I couldn't break, (yeah, I have to let you down...)
a piece of you that I couldn't take apart, but we're in pieces now, (I have to let you down,)
and all you ever wanted was a part of me that I couldn't fake,
I never made it easy to shape my heart, but it's not beating now,
I have to let you down...

We finished and Nicole jumped up clapping. "Great job, guys!"

Just as we were about to practice one of our songs, my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and checked the caller-I.D.

"Who is it?" Asked Michael.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Someone from the UK."

I quickly hit answer and pressed the phone to my right ear.

Luke: "Hello?"

Person: "Hi, is this Luke Hemmings of Five Seconds of Summer?"

Luke: "This is he, can I help you?"

Person: "Hi, mine name's Paul. I'm from Capital Records UK. Myself and a couple other executives saw your covers on YouTube, and we're interested in signing you and your band to a record deal. We were hoping to fly you guys and a chaperone, out to us next weekend to meet and discuss a deal."

Luke: "Oh my god. Yeah, of course. Well just need to talk it over with our parents."

Paul: "Of course. Here's my number (xxx)-xxx-xxxx. Call me back and let me know ASAP. Have a good day."

Luke: "You, too. Buh-bye."

I hung up and turned to everyone. They were staring at me, waiting for me to tell them what happened.

"I just got a call from Paul at Capital Records UK. He wants to fly us out with a chaperone next weekend to talk about a record deal!" I exclaimed.

A big smile grew on all of their faces.

"OH MY GOD!" They all screamed. And we all started jumping up and down in excitement.

~End of Flashback~

Little did we know, that was only the beginning of a shit load to come.

A/N no, this is not the end. Sorry for the short update. I'll probably update again tomorrow. I'm gonna update "Unpredictable" next. (Possibly later)

What do you think might happen?

Have a good whatever time it is. Bye 😁

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