Chapter 20

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(A/N Took me long enough to reach chapter 20 xD.)


A little while later, everyone was ready, and the tour bus had arrived. We all piled on and picked who would get what bunk. Once we were all settled, we sat down in the lounge in silence, just taking this all in. It's all real. This is the next chapter in our lives and the beginning of our journey to take over the world.

Luke's P.O.V

We spent our first day on the tour bus just hanging out and getting used to things. Our first show is tonight and we're all really pumped.

All of us are awake right now. Mum is out and about in the city, while we're just chilling in the lounge.

I'm really thankful for all the excitement for tonight, because it's cutting the awkward tension Nicole and I are creating. My mum saw yesterday how we weren't addressing each other and asked me what's going on. I had to partially lie to her.

I didn't want to tell her about everything with Bobby and how he's causing this. I know that she'll then get involved and try knocking some sense in Nicole. And as much as I want her to, I don't need my mum involved to fix my problems.

I just told mum that Nic and I got in a really bad argument that left us ignoring each other. Lucky for me, she didn't push and ask what we fought about. But much to my dismay, she told me that I need to 'put on my big boy pants' and fix things with Nicole.

Although I know it's true, I have two reasons for not doing so. The first is, I wouldn't know how to approach her or what to say. Would I just walk up to her and say, "Sorry for trying to protect you from your lying, cheating boyfriend"? No, obviously not.

My second reason is I'm mad at her, too. She picked Bobby over me. She picked her boyfriend that she hasn't even known for a year, per her best friend that she's known since she was three. Who does that? Isn't there like an unspoken rule that you're supposed to trust your best friend and pick them over a boyfriend/girlfriend. I mean, if I ever met a girl, I would want Nicole to trust her. If Nic didn't like the girl, I wouldn't continue communicating with her. It wouldn't feel right, or be fair to Nicole. But, I guess she doesn't care about things like this.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around at everyone. The boys are talking with the girls. And of course, Nic keeps looking down at her phone. I suppose she's texting Bobby. Yay! Note the sarcasm.

"So, who wants to explore?" Ashton asked, glancing around at the group.

Everyone shrugged their shoulders and nodded their head. Everyone but me. I'd rather stay in and write.

Ashton turned to me with a questioning look. "What about you Luke?"

I looked out of the corner of my eye at Nicole, and saw she didn't even glance at me. Yeah, I definitely don't want to go. Not with three couples and the girl who's slowly breaking my heart.

"Nah, I'm just gonna stay in and rest more. I don't really feel up to going out." I said.

"Okay, we'll be back in a little while. Let's go, people." Ashton stood up and everyone followed.

Once I heard the door to the bus close, I grabbed my guitar and song book and went to work.


I ended up writing one song and some random lyrics. The song is about what's going on between Nic and I right now and how I'm feeling about it.
(A/N if you can guess the song correctly, I'll give a dedication in the next chapter!)

Everyone, including my mum, returned a little while after I finished writing. I decided I'll show the boys the songs when we're alone.

We have sound check in a little bit, and we're going over what songs we're going to play. We get to play twelve songs, so we decided to do two covers, and the rest originals. The songs we're playing include:

1. Gotta Get Out
2. Over and Over
3. Try Hard
4. Out Of My Limit
5. Too Late
6. Beside You
7. Voodoo Doll
8. Heartbreak Girl
9. Just Saying
10. Lost Boy
11. Teenage Dirtbag (cover)
12. Jasey Rae (cover)

I don't know if were doing it in that exact order. I do know we decided that we'll open with Teenage Dirtbag to get the crowd pumped. And then do some originals, throw Jasey Rae in there, and end with Out Of My Limit.


Sound check went well, and now we are prepping for the show, that starts in fifteen minutes. We all brushed our teeth and are now doing our band ritual.

During sound check, I had decided not to show the boys the songs yet. They'll make a bit deal out of it and try to get Nicole and I to talk. Or they'll make us play the songs at the show and give a hint to Nic that they're about her. And the last time we did that, we saw how that turned out. So, no thank you.

The door to our dressing room opened and in walked my mum. She smiled at us and sat with the girls.

"Good luck tonight, boys. I know you will do great. I'm so proud of the four of you."

"Thanks mum."

"Thanks Liz!" The guys said in unison.

The door opened again, but this time, a stage manger walked in. "You're on in 2 minutes boys. Come get ready."

We got up, and the girls followed in suit. We all followed the stage manger, and got our instruments and ear pieces. The girls wished us luck and the stage manager told us to go on. When we did, we saw a room full of fans that roared in excitement.

"Hey guys, we're 5 Seconds Of Summer."

"Hi guys, we're 5 Seconds of Summer."

And thus, the 'Hi or Hey' joke was born.

Word Count: 1035 words

A/N I know that's not how the 'hi or hey' joke was created. It's just how I made it come to life in the story.

What movies do you guys want to see this year?

I want to see 'Ted 2' and 'Unfriended'.

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye 😄

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