Chapter 30 (Final Chapter)

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"At least I didn't break any of our traditions!"
He yelled.

"Seriously? You broke our traditions since the first day of tour when you invited that self centered bitch to join us! We haven't had our movie nights and you barely even look at me anymore. We're supposed to be best friends." I started off yelling, but whispered the last part as the tears started to fall.

"Well, you know what? Maybe we're not best friends anymore." He said, with absolutely no emotion. He look like this didn't even bother him. But, he didn't stop talking.

"And you know what, you're the self centered bitch here, Nicole! You're just pissed off because you don't have all my attention anymore. You're just an attention seeking whore. And you're pissed because I don't care about you anymore!" Luke screamed at me.

The tears continued to fall as I took heavy breaths. "Fine. Fuck you, Luke! And fuck you too, Holly! I've had enough of both of your shit. I can't take you two anymore. I'm going home!"

Nicole's P.O.V

As soon as I got off the phone with Adam, I started packing my bags. The earliest flight home he could get me was three days from now. But I still took it. I couldn't take Holly and Luke anymore. I had enough.

"Nicole, don't go home. Just ignore them." Ashley pleaded, watching me rush around to get packed.

"I'll slap her for you." Maia said, smirking.

"No. I can't just ignore them. I was able to ignore Holly. But now Luke, too? How can I ignore him when I have such strong feelings for him? How can I ignore him when my attention is just drawn to him? I'm not gonna stand here any longer watching him slip through my fingers. I'm going home, end of discussion." I stared at the two, analyzing their reaction. They both looked disappointed. But, I didn't feel guilty.

Staying on tour, means watching a never ending marathon of Luke and Holly. I don't want to watch my best friend and crush fade away from me.

I hadn't wanted to admit it in the beginning, but a big reason I came with them on tour was for Luke. Deep down, I knew I had feelings for him, I just kept denying it. I didn't want to believe I had fallen for my best friend. I guess I now know how Luke felt, when you're falling, but the other person isn't there to catch you. I let Luke fall because I was blinded by Bobby. Luke let me fall because he's blinded by Holly. I guess we're even now.

Thinking about it now, Holly and Bobby would make a good couple. A dick, and a bitch. Both treat other people like shit. Both get crazy jealous when someone that they believe belongs to them, hangs out with someone of the opposite sex. And both wear that stupid smirk when they won their prize. Bobby had won me for a short period of time, and Holly won Luke, forever.

I'm saying forever, because I don't know what things are gonna be like. Usually, when Luke likes a girl, she has all his attention. He doesn't give another girl even a glance. I should know, he liked me at one point. But, I guess his feelings faded away.

I don't know what's gonna happen when he gets home from tour. Knowing Luke, he'll probably bring Holly home to meet his family. I'm almost positive that me going home, is basically the same thing as that little thread that's holding our friendship together, breaking. Once I leave, I am cutting the thread.

Luke will never speak to me again. He'll come home, but it'll be like I don't exist. Th only time he'd see me, would be when the gang wants to hang out, if we happen to walk out of the house at the same time, or when our families do family things together. And boy, is that gonna be awkward.

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