Chapter 6

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A/N I added a video of "Just The way You Are" by Bruno Mars. It fits the chapter.


It was kind of an awkward silence, until Ashton broke it. "So, how about we spend our Saturday at the beach? It won't be too hot or too cold. Since it is October and spring."

We all responded with 'yes' or 'yeah'.
"Do you guys even have your stuff for the beach?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah, we all brought our beach bags." Ashley responded.

"So you just assumed Nicole and I would want to go? What if we said no?"
I asked.

"Then we would've kidnapped you two and dragged you to the beach." Maia responded, with a small smirk on her face.

"Okay, how about we go get ready, before this gets anymore creepy." Nicole said, as she stood up. By we, she meant her and me.

She went upstairs, probably to pack her bag and to put on her bathing suit, with clothes over it.

I went home quickly to pack a bag, put my bathing suit on, with a shirt of course, and told my mom where we were going. She offered to drive us, but I said Ashton would. Though, I don't even know if he has his car.

I headed back to Nicole's, and saw everyone in the living room.
"Sorry you were waiting on me."

"It's no problem, let's go." Ashton said. Everyone then stood up, and headed out the front door.

Luke's pov

We got to the beach and found a good spot to settle down on the sand. We all set down our towels, and everyone basically started doing their own things.

Cal and Ashley went for a walk on the boardwalk. Ashton and Maia started a conversation. And Michael went to, in his exact words, "Look for hot beach babes." Then there was Nicole and I. Sitting here, just enjoying the presence of one another.

This is good and bad for me. It's good because I love spending time with Nicole. Especially when it is just the two of us.

But then it's also bad. Why? Because there is so many romantic, cute, cheesy things I could do with her here if she didn't have a boyfriend. I could flirt with her. Steal kisses on the cheek. If I was cheeky enough, I would tell her to kiss my cheek, and at the last second move my head so we "accidentally" kiss on the lips. I could kiss her underwater.

Then, there's other things I could do, that's normal for us. Friendly. But to me, it's something I wish we could do, without being uncomfortable around other people.

We could walk on the boardwalk, holding hands. I could win her a prize from one of the games, and she'd jump in my arms and kiss my cheek. We could play around with each other, which makes other people think we're a couple.

But that's the thing. To a stranger, if they saw us doing those things, they'd think we are dating. Anybody close to us, knows that's just friendly. That's all we'll ever be. Friends.

Sometimes I wish I hadn't ever fallen for Nicole. Because it hurts so much seeing her with another guy. And it hurts knowing I'll never call her mine. Yet, I don't regret falling for her. Because I fell for an amazing girl. She's perfect in my eyes. My dream girl.

She hates her eyes because they're brown and most people have brown eyes. She says they're not unique. But, I think they're beautiful. Her chocolate brown eyes have little specs of hazelnut and she just doesn't see it. I love how here eyes sparkle when she's happy. When I look in her eyes, I can always tell how she's feeling. Her eyes tell everything.

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