Chapter 4

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Everyone else, slowly, but hesitantly followed. "Operation Annihilate Bad Boy Boyfriend has commenced."

Luke's pov

"So, how we gonna start this?" Ashton asked, no one in particular.

After Nicole left with Bobby, we all decided to hang out. Right now, we're all at Nandos. The reason behind that is Michael. He was hungry, and surpassingly didn't want pizza. So were at the Nandos in the mall.

"We should start by just coincidently passing his house when he tells Nicole he's busy." Maia said.

"That sounds a bit creepy, no?" Calum questioned.

"No. It could get us good information." Maia replied.

"Well, what if we see something, and think it's one thing, but it truly is another." Ashley asked.

"We'll gather enough information about whatever we saw. And if it's something that can expose him, we'll tell Nicole." Maia turned to Ashley.

"Then, I guess I know where to start." Ashley said, and pointed at the window that shows the mall.

There he was. Bobby. Sitting on a bench. With his arm around a girl. But she's not Nicole.

"Quick, someone get a picture." Michael said. Then Maia quickly whipped out her phone and took a picture.

"Looks like we know where to start." I said, and everyone turned to me. I continued, "Now we just have to look into this, figure out who the girl is, and uncover other lies he's told Nicole."

"Michael, you're good with research and computers right?" Maia turned and asked Michael.

He just nodded in response. "Okay, then figure out anything you can about that girl, and her relation to Bobby."

"Got it." He responded.

"The rest of us will do the spying and snooping." Maia said, as a smirk slowly grew on her face.

"Who wants to start spying now?" Maia asked, and we all looked at her like she's crazy.

"Someone should go follow Bobby and the girl." She quickly added. All of a sudden, everyone turned to me.

My eyes widened and I asked, "Why should I do it?"

"God, it's so obvious you like Nicole." Calum stated.

If even possible, my eyes got wider and I tried to cover it up. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. We're just friends. Best Friends."

"Luke, don't try covering it up. It's obvious because of the way you blush when she says something nice about you. The way you get nervous when she's close to you. The way you smile when she enters the room. The way you look like the happiest guy in the world when you guys are cuddling, or holding hands. Also, you're face always turns bright red when she kisses your cheek."
Maia listed everything off.

Then Ashton added in, "Plus your face is bright red and you're sweating."

"And if you're gonna spy on them, you might want to go now. I think they're about to start moving again." Ashley said, and point at the window again.

I sighed. "Fine," I huffed. I got up and went to follow them.


"So, what did you find?" Maia asked, as soon as she saw me walking in behind Cal. After I went to follow Bobby and mystery girl, everyone went to Cal's house.

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