Chapter 5

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Her eyelids then drifted closed. I waited a few minutes before kissing her forehead and saying, "Goodnight beautiful." I then let the darkness consume me, as I drifted to sleep, and dreamt of the beautiful girl in my arms.

Luke's pov

Muffled giggles could be heard throughout the room. Every now and then, there would be a flash of light. I am now awake, but have yet to open my eyes.

"Shh, you're gonna wake them." A girl's voice whisper-shouted.

"Okay, okay. Just a few more." Now. A guy's voice whispered back.

I felt stirring in my arms, and decided to open my eyes, slowly.

"Shh! You're waking them!" Yet another girl's voice whisper-shouted.

"Too late, you woke me." I said, in my groggily morning voice. I looked down and saw Nicole in my arms. We're spooning. I smiled, and Maia said, "Told you."

Confused, I turned to her and asked, "What?"

"Told you, you like her." Maia said, smirking at me.

Just as I was about to deny the truth, a different voice interrupted me.

"Who likes who?" Nicole asked from within my arms. She started to stir, so I loosened my grip on her waist, and she turned to face me.

She smiled and said, "Good morning Hemmings."

"Morning b-Nicole." I almost said beautiful, but I quickly cut myself off. Luckily, she didn't notice. But Maia, Ashley, and the boys did.

They were all just smirking and staring at us. Finally, Ashton interrupted and said, "Come on sleeping beauties. Let's have breakfast, then were hanging out."

Nicole stretched her arms and slowly sat up. "What's for breakfast?"

Everyone tried to muffle their laughter. Michael answered her, "Whatever you make." His reply made them all burst into hysterics. Nicole just rolled her eyes, then asked another question.

"How did you guys get in here? My parents should be gone for work by now."

"We went to Luke's house first. Liz said he wasn't in, but we said we just needed to get something from his room. We really just climbed through his window and onto your balcony. The door was unlocked, so yeah." Maia said, with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What about Liz? Now she thinks-"

Maia interrupted Nicole and said, "She caught us going through the window and laughed it off. She said next time, we could just tell her what were doing."

"Now, come on! Make us breakfast!" Mikey whined, then walked out the door. Soon everyone followed, and as Maia was about to walk out Nicole got up. I groaned, and she turned to me.

"Don't be lazy Hemmo. At least your getting food out of it." Nicole smiled at me then walked out.

I had this smile on my face, and Maia smirked at me. She then went, "*cough* whipped *cough*"

"Shut up!" I groaned. "I don't like her."

Her smirked grew and she replied, "Sure. And I have never gotten in trouble before." She said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, and finally got out of Nicole's bed. Maia walked out, and Nicole's phone started to ring. I looked over and saw who's calling:

Incoming call
Bobby 😘

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